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Everything posted by Ericrb

  1. Hey Kev, could you tell me why you made Matti Perma-Adept? It's 3 weeks.
  2. I think it's a good idea but I can't come with any names by myself Also, if we remove those numbers, people will scatter in different worlds instead of going for the last one(4) while number 3 still has some place remaining. Sidenote : If we use that system, people won't know if it's a "self world" or a "rank world". Selfworld should be renamed to owner's name :/
  3. I think it's about time to see if their trial are complete or not. I've been online a lot while Phoebe was online. I must say ugh...(he/she? more like a she right?) she was doing her job pretty well. She was always moderating when I was on. She know how to use /up and /ua and do it every time she bans somebody. She did very, very well during the rush. It's pretty much a yes for me but I'll wait and see what you guys think. For Thanatos, I added him because he started the trial before Phoebe and I judged he was doing just has good. BUT, I've never been on at the same time as him even tho I did a 36 hours night on the server . So if you guys ever saw him, please share your opinions. I cannot say anything about him, I'll leave it for you guys.
  4. We already had plenty of those discussions. What we have right now is what we've all decided. I don't think it's gonna change.
  5. Blame it on your VPS Pffftt. *puppy eyes*
  6. Ericrb

    Bragging Rights

    Top #25 Minecraft Forum, BABY. http://www.forumotion.com/en/games/other-roleplay-games-308-0-point-desc-a/minecraft (Nobody check that, btw) Top #14 Most Message posted in 2 years : http://www.forumotion.com/en/games/other-roleplay-games-308-0-posts-desc-a/minecraft
  7. to finally kill (not smurfs please)
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