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Everything posted by Ericrb

  1. Ericrb

    Server merge

    Current Staff : 4 Grandmasters 10 Experts 13 Adepts Server limit : 32 We currently have 27 moderators. I don't care in what timezone they live in, I think it's far than enough. It's just going out of control and going unorganised. Back when Onion was the lone Admin, we had a few Moderators, hit the cap a few time and didn't struggle once. He promoted some people that he could trust and see fit in the server. It was going all well until we decide to promote more people. It started by going unorganized, expert doing solo decisions, so we had to organise it by making polls that some people weren't following because of no communication. Every moves we do from now on is just too quick. Let's say Experts+ are the decisions maker and Adepts our good moderators. 14 experts most know the situation, understand it well, give their opinion about whether they like it or not, etc. If they are not able to give their opinion on any moves we are doing, they don't deserve expert but adept. [opinion] The merge is useless if we get nothing in return. The server runs good without any help. They shouldn't be the one who gets the profit, it should be us. For me this merge is just a problem maker right now. Did we really need that? We just hit the cap 2 days ago. We. Don't. Need. More. Staff. You guys are giving OUR players to some random people who decides to come here. [/opinion]
  2. Are you saying they're "nothing"? Promoting does nothing, leaving them there does nothing and demoting does nothing. If they don't moderate they are building which means Artisan. It hurts our promotion system.
  3. Now that I see it, they shouldn't be adept. But they are the few who's not power hungry. We should give them a chance and warn them to moderate a little bit more. I'm sure Frogger can tell them, right? Right Froggy? RIGHT! DAMN RIGHT.
  4. UndoArea is useful for builders too. This is going in an infinite loop. UndoArea adds or removes blocks where is the moderation in that. You guys thinks that command is only useful for griefed stuffs this is why you guys say its moderation.
  5. If they have a limit, they are going to use undoarea followed by some nasty cuboid commands. That's how I see it and this is what I would do if I'm limited.
  6. Kick : Yes, but only on Novices. Freeze : Yes, but only on Novices. Undoplayer : Yes. They have cuboid, undoplayer is the same. If they want to undo something and they don't have the command, they will use cuboid and it might be even worse. Undoarea : ^ Promote : No/Useless Demote : No/Useless Artisan should have freeze because we are giving the command "kick" to kick griefers. They can always come back to grief again and it would only be an annoyance for the artisan.
  7. We're having a boxing day @ AITM? There is no "rush" but yes, we might be in need of some new padawans. I have no ideas or suggestions... sorry.
  8. Ericrb


    A ban request. As requested, ban him. [2011-11-29 17:44:22] (IRC) zhuge: mute him [2011-11-29 17:44:27] zelda10001: Uhm [2011-11-29 17:44:33] Player neil25* was muted by zelda10001 for 10s Hahaha. 10s. Zelda is way too nice.
  9. Ericrb

    Happy Turkey Day!!!

    Well if I eat a turkey, I'll need to kill one first. If I kill it I might be a bounty and get attacked by every villagers and guards. I'll try to sneak behind a turkey and finish it fast. Hopefully, it'll be cookable. If not, I might go to jail but I can always bribe the guard to forget it. If I don't have enough money, it's gonna be bloody. I....I.. ...
  10. Ericrb

    Toddlo Poll

    He said he wanted to start as a novice. The question now is if we promote or not. I'll go for promote but he'll need to build all over again...
  11. I'll go with number one. Lower ranks : First warning, demote. Second, ban. Higher ranks : First warning, mute. Second, demote. Suiciders* : Banall. *If someone does it as an enter-advertise-exit approach.
  12. Yes. I told Zhuge. I think he forgot but didn't bother removing it.
  13. Someone's knocking on my door here? Ohai Mouf, welcome. My bedroom is on your right. Oh and Hi Ohero. Long time no see. I actually thought there would be some kind of problem here. o.o
  14. GameMazter was advertising his own minecraft server in ours. I temp muted him but I need some feedback whether it's a ban or demote. [2011-11-20 18:52:47] GameMazter: ok finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [2011-11-20 18:52:58] GameMazter: i made all my ranks [2011-11-20 18:53:04] gursey: gamemazter [2011-11-20 18:53:04] IamWalter: hi [2011-11-20 18:53:08] gursey: how do we get ranks, on this [2011-11-20 18:53:12] GameMazter: anyone want tojoin my server? [2011-11-20 18:53:15] karan2000: hi [2011-11-20 18:53:17] IamWalter: yea [2011-11-20 18:53:17] gursey: sure [2011-11-20 18:53:18] IamWalter: sure [2011-11-20 18:53:19] gursey: ill join [2011-11-20 18:53:22] IamWalter: whats the name [2011-11-20 18:53:22] gursey: we ge ranks? [2011-11-20 18:53:26] HollowThanatos: you don't tunnel for one [2011-11-20 18:53:29] BlakViper01: beta server? [2011-11-20 18:53:30] gursey: kk [2011-11-20 18:53:30] GameMazter: my new server called armycraft [2011-11-20 18:53:35] gursey: we get ranks game? [2011-11-20 18:53:36] IamWalter: kk il join [2011-11-20 18:53:37] Player GameMazter was muted by Ericrb for 13h53m [2011-11-20 18:53:37] BlakViper01: i mean [2011-11-20 18:53:41] BlakViper01: real server? [2011-11-20 18:53:45] Player IamWalter left the server. [2011-11-20 18:53:49] Error while handling your message (ArgumentNullException: [2011-11-20 18:53:49] > Argument cannot be null. [2011-11-20 18:53:49] > Parameter name: reason).It is recommended that you reconnect [2011-11-20 18:53:49] > to the server. [2011-11-20 18:53:49] GameMazter was kicked by Ericrb [2011-11-20 18:53:49] Player GameMazter left the server. [2011-11-20 18:53:53] Player gursey left the server. [2011-11-20 18:53:56] Player karan2000 left the server. [2011-11-20 18:54:03] Player GameMazter connected again, joined Main [2011-11-20 18:54:03] Player GameMazter logged in from an IP shared by banned [2011-11-20 18:54:03] > players: SPACEMANS* EARTHuman* [2011-11-20 18:54:03] Player GameMazter was previously muted by Ericrb, 13h52m [2011-11-20 18:54:03] > left. [2011-11-20 18:54:07] Error while handling your message (ArgumentNullException: [2011-11-20 18:54:07] > Argument cannot be null. [2011-11-20 18:54:07] > Parameter name: reason).It is recommended that you reconnect [2011-11-20 18:54:07] > to the server. [2011-11-20 18:54:07] GameMazter was kicked by Ericrb [2011-11-20 18:54:07] Player GameMazter left the server. [2011-11-20 18:54:22] Player GameMazter connected again, joined Main [2011-11-20 18:54:22] Player GameMazter logged in from an IP shared by banned [2011-11-20 18:54:22] > players: SPACEMANS* EARTHuman* [2011-11-20 18:54:22] Player GameMazter was previously muted by Ericrb, 13h52m [2011-11-20 18:54:22] > left. [2011-11-20 18:54:31] Player GameMazter was unmuted by Ericrb [2011-11-20 18:54:35] Ericrb: Explain what you said. [2011-11-20 18:54:39] GameMazter: huh? [2011-11-20 18:54:46] GameMazter: i made a new server [2011-11-20 18:54:46] Ericrb: Trying to advert here? [2011-11-20 18:54:51] GameMazter: no [2011-11-20 18:54:54] Ericrb: You just did [2011-11-20 18:54:59] GameMazter: i just made one [2011-11-20 18:55:04] GameMazter: ok i will stop [2011-11-20 18:55:19] Ericrb: Well, this has to be settled. [2011-11-20 18:55:19] Player GameMazter joined Rookie2 [2011-11-20 18:55:33] Usage: /Mute PlayerName Duration [2011-11-20 18:55:34] GameMazter: how? [2011-11-20 18:55:38] Player IamWalter connected again, joined Main [2011-11-20 18:55:38] Player GameMazter was muted by Ericrb for 4d4h [2011-11-20 18:55:42] Ericrb: Privatly.
  15. Euh. I'll let you make the site since you already started it but I don't think we need one. EDIT : If you need any suggestions : "All In The Mined" should be "All in the Mined" Background is a bit plain "Menu bar" looks too simple With the being said, I couldn't do any better. I'm just typing in some suggestions. The concept is well done, the news writing is awesome, etc.
  16. Remember me I'm in Da-Da-Da-Danger Pinocchio Remember me
  17. This is really serious. EDIT: AITM Classic's rules apply to this forum. Adept or not, I might consider a little suspension if I ever see that coming from you again. Even though you don't come here that often.
  18. When... I duplicate classic forum and rename the copy to beta and pray that is a smart move.
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