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Posts posted by Ericrb

  1. New server maintenance topic. If you joined a long time ago, you know those happens quite often. Fresh new topic for 3.0.

    Maintenance will start at 20:00 GMT-4 (5h08m from post) and should be done before 20:30.
    It may or may not fail.

    If it doesn't fail we will have another maintenance. I will update the post with the time.
    If it does fail, expect a random downtime.

    There are some annoying lag spikes on the server and I can't monitor them. I am going to transfer the server from the host to my computer.
    Reason for the second maintenance is to, of course, upload the server back to the host.

    The IP will change from aitmsrv.aezir.com to aitmtest.aezir.com after the maintenance and will go back to aitmsrv.aezir.com after the second maintenance. (I will update the post)

    Updates :

    @19:30 The maintenance will be at 20:00 not 19:00
    @20:00 Down for maintenance
    @20:45 Server is online
    @01:55 Towny chat and LogBlock are fixed
    @05:00 Found the cause of lag spike and they are slightly reduced. A plugin is causing this and I will not run the server without it. Updated the plugin and the lag spikes seems to have reduced. There's some 0.5-1 second lag spike every now and then. Before it was 1-5 seconds lag spike every minutes
    @11:40 Lag spike are still there *flips table*

    Server is on a test run. The next maintenance is still unknown.

    Reminder : New IP is aitmTEST.aezir.com

  2. There is a misunderstanding.

    I never wanted to have an UNLIMITED buy shop, because it ruins the game.

    If you are able to buy 10 diamonds by sitting/AFK in a the corner of your pumpkin farm faster than someone who is mining for diamonds, it does not make sense.
    This is why I decided to make the buy price x10 of the sell price. I know x10 is extremely high, I might decrease it in the future.

    Players are free to trade stuff at any price they want. They do not need to follow spawn price : ie. sell diamond for 1999$ buy for 201$.

    They are free to sell diamonds at 500$ and buy them for 1000$ or at any price they want.

  3. I felt like I should show you something that might be useful.

    WoM/Minecraft likes to use a tons of power and overheat the room. Found a little easy tweak to fix this.
    Turn off Limit Framerate in the menu!

    Here's what I mean! Check the GPU usage.

    Limit Framerate : ON

    Limit Framerate : OFF

    Have fun!

    (images are only for showing purpose, you don't need to download the program to see the difference o_o)

  4. Zhuge wrote:
    The only issue i see here is that you might get copycats (impersonators)

    We are the only one who can change the names. People who promotes has /info.
    Unless you meant : Change Doomwatcher to Doom then someone creates the account "Doom" and logs in with it.
    Quick fix to this is to never change someone's name to silver.
    Also, it could happen anytime now, we should probably warn the adept+ to watch out for it.

    Expert+ color rank = ok?

    Adept+ little name tweak = ok?
    (ie. Gwenroden -> Gwenny)

    Name shortening on everyone = ok?
    (Removes numbers, if two players happen to have the same name add what they want)
    (Remove numbers, leave the first number if there are more than 1 player with the same name)

    Trolling = Leave it for /say?

    Log = /list displayedname

    Anything else? I agree with the current situation.

  5. Did not know about /list displayedname.


    Expert+ color rank = ok?

    Adept+ little name tweak = ok?
    (ie. Gwenroden -> Gwenny)

    Name shortening on everyone = ok?
    (Removes numbers, if two players happen to have the same name add what they want)

    Trolling = ok?

    Should we lower the ranks, increase it? any other things to add or remove?
    Zhuge, you use /setinfo a shittons of time, you should at-least contribute to this topic.
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