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Posts posted by Ericrb

  1. [shitstorm]

    More! Apparently the GM's Hood is for everyone.

    [2012-08-19 16:19:51] Now spectating Kevvy. Type /unspec to stop.
    [2012-08-19 16:19:54] [Spectate]: to Doomwatcher: hey bro, you here?
    [2012-08-19 16:20:12] [Spectate]: to Doomwatcher: What's wrong mate?
    [2012-08-19 16:22:28] [Spectate]: to Doomwatcher: Mate, I care about you
    [2012-08-19 16:23:48] [Spectate]: to Doomwatcher: Why not? I don't want you to
    [2012-08-19 16:23:48] > keep all your sadness to yourself, I don't want you to get
    [2012-08-19 16:23:48] > deeply depressed, you don't deserve that.
    [2012-08-19 16:24:50] [Spectate]: to Doomwatcher: As long as you talk about it to
    [2012-08-19 16:24:50] > someone
    [2012-08-19 16:25:24] [Spectate]: to Doomwatcher: And doomie, I'll help you
    [2012-08-19 16:25:39] [Spectate]: to Doomwatcher: You're one of the few people
    [2012-08-19 16:25:39] > here that I honestly like
    [2012-08-19 16:25:56] [Spectate]: to Doomwatcher: Shitstorm? How so?
    [2012-08-19 16:27:02] [Spectate]: to Doomwatcher: I don't give two anal shits, I'm
    [2012-08-19 16:27:02] > not gonna freeze someone and wait for others to come on if
    [2012-08-19 16:27:02] > there's serious abuse, I was already going to talk to Onion.
    [2012-08-19 16:27:58] [Spectate]: to Doomwatcher: Perving on who o.o
    [2012-08-19 16:28:26] [Spectate]: to Doomwatcher: You can ask any of these girls,
    [2012-08-19 16:28:26] > it's only joking :l
    [2012-08-19 16:28:55] [Spectate]: to Doomwatcher: Well, can't do anything about it
    [2012-08-19 16:28:55] > now
    [2012-08-19 16:29:32] [Spectate]: to Doomwatcher: Eric is a dumbfuck, lol
    [2012-08-19 16:29:40] [Spectate]: to Doomwatcher: You can't take over an IRC
    [2012-08-19 16:29:40] > channel
    [2012-08-19 16:29:58] [Spectate]: to Doomwatcher: Did Onion comment on this?
    [2012-08-19 16:30:41] [Spectate]: to Doomwatcher: Good, the only one who I can
    [2012-08-19 16:30:41] > trust.

    Everything leaked, the sole purpose of this section. Sweet.


  2. CryHavoc21 wrote:
    You run windows in high contrast? How do you stand it?

    Anywho, I know nothing about video cards, and I just know mine is just above standard on the motherboard. Sad

    This was windows on a dead card. It somehow worked.

  3. I kinda want a final go by Onion.

    But, before making things "public" we should try to claim the channel to cut the communication. He can still do somewhere else where we can actually see if he's going to advertise or not. I know that seems rude, but I think it's a good move.

    Onion could ask Kev to give the founder flag. If he doesn't want to, I'll bring the issue to esper staff. I don't know if they handle copyright issues.

  4. SirDoom wrote:
    What if we'd just turn him to an eunuch?

    #Aitmafterdark was supposed to be 18+ adult themed chat, but seems younger ones been coming there too. Been pretty quiet for what I've seen.

    But I think we should just talk this thru rather than go straight out for a ban.

    Have fun. We already did the talk thru thing before, it's just a waste of time. Like zhuge said, he got demoted in wom. He still hasn't changed.

    When he's in trouble, he will change for a week. After that, he'll go back to how he was before. Also,

    Aezir wrote:
    Kevin give shit at long terms which makes it even more terrible. Cause if he was causing a lot of trouble all at once well obviously, he wouldn't have gotten that rank. By making some "Bitch" action at long terms, we don't really see it as we are like oh ok he did that mistake and then, we just forget what he did.

  5. ............................................

    /msg chanserv register #channel


    What do we do? Warn and then forget after X time because it's the "past" or act now?. He's been like that since a long time, I personally don't think he'll change.

    I don't know.

  6. DemonicD3 wrote:
    I always thought I just diddn't see a point in "tweeting" every single thing I did every single day. "Hey guys, I just bought a bottle of water. Thumbs up!". "My Girlfriend just gave me a blowjob, happy face!". I just thought that was completely stupid but now I know my real reason for disliking it. I better go kill a couple dozen people. See yea.
    Waiitttt I didn't enable the stats!

  7. masteronion wrote:
    Yeah, I removed all access from SSH. I'll maintain it myself like before. Part of me feels like I'm somewhat to blame. Neutral

    What I don't entirely understand is the situation with Kisuke. I don't see any posts or talk regarding her kicks/bans or even Kevin's explanation as to why he lifted the bans. I know all this happened rather quickly, but communication is still key. Maybe you can enlighten me, Eric/Doom?

    As for Mouf, I'm aware that he can be a bit erratic at times. I don't understand his reasoning in banning somebody just to make a point, though... that to me is rude and not how our staff should operate whatsoever. You can show different sides of your personality without causing a ruckus.

    EDIT: Also, I think a temporary (or possibly even permanent) demotion is in order for Kev. Thoughts?

    There is no posts because she's an artisan. Except the Promotion and Demotion topic, I don't feel like giving a big explanation on why I banned someone that rank. The baninfo part on them is enough. And to be honest, I completely forgot about that topic because I didn't demote someone for a long time. If only I knew it would have come to this, I would have posted.

    Like Doom said, Kev has favourites. When you do something to them, NUHUH unban. Even if you talk to him, he's been doing that for quite a long time. He'll just PM some people and then blow it out on the forums or in-game.

    Console is too big of a responsibility when someone hungry for power is using it. Promote/Demote/Ban/Unban/Talk with console. Kev was constantly using it, crashed the server a couple of times. That's when I realised he had access. Because Kev hates pretty much who is "higher" than him, I knew a blame would come if I shared the same responsibility with him. So I asked to remove my access.

    As for demotion, removing the console access will avoid these kinds of problems. I personally feel he should get a demotion, but that's just me. He's just sitting in his throne all day, checking the logs and talking about nothing but sex stuff. <--- Sometimes near harassment or just plain disgusting.

    @Doom Kev brings nothing to our server. He had one thing to do : maintain the server. Founding an IRC channel, anyone can do that. Even onion-bot. He goes in-game when there's a problem with his favourites. But else, Why? "Because I haz top servers on the list I have to moderate" as in this one isn't important at all. (this is when we were on page 2. We had a lot of novices. But like he said : I am on page 1)
    What is going to happen if Kev leaves? I can't think of anything. If he's a huge dumbass, he'll pm some people in IRC and ask them to go on one of his server.

    @Servers I don't even know why we are insulting people for joining SMP. It's the full minecraft. It was requested. Sharok created the server, but it was hell. So I took the dev part. I see all these jokes of "If you join SMP, you're a noob." "If you join SMP you aren't one of us." At first I thought it was a joke, but it keeps getting repeated all day without any context whatsoever. This is just disgusting for me, sharok and flamix for spending all their free time to create a balanced server, manage a web server and making graphic stuff. I don't force people to play. People come and go of SMP and Classic.

    @Aezir This is true, but I preferred to keep the drama to myself. If you posted that in another section someone would have cut you, saying "DO YOU HAZ LOGZ?", "YOU CANT HATE ON MY KEVVY?". People will judge the person before the situation and you'll be left alone. You can't really change something that high in classic, but thanks for your opinion.

    Just a clarification, I had to give him full access for the forums. He usually doesn't use adept+ section, but I guess he had to this time. Sharok and I know him irl, we gave it so he can do stuff alone.

  8. Ph03b3 wrote:
    Ill follow in froggers footsteps and name all my fears (itll take up the whole page i bet ._.)
    They are in no specific order
    -The wormy things in pools that clean them
    -Vaccuum cleaners (sometimes)
    -loud noises
    -the dark
    -places that are too light
    -confined spaces
    -open spaces
    -being alone in a swimming pool
    -bull ants
    -cat statues
    -Evil monkeys
    -Trees that have faces
    -Sheeps brains(dont ask how i found that out)
    -being in a pool with too many people
    -people hearing me sing
    and finally - ventriloquist dummies

    Vacuum cleaners? o_o'

  9. Ericrb wrote:
    x2 derp. Didn't read post topic either. Still a bit confused on why Kev wasn't penalised yet.

    This is a Mouf topic, totally read too fast.

    I agree with you on that he shouldn't have done it, but everything happened too fast without any explainations. He got temp banned by Kev and demoted twice by him.

    Fuck it... I can't speak or argue about 1 situation without comparing it to the other one.

    Both are bad, but only 1 of them is being discussed.

    My phone is overheating in my hands.

    Yes, Moufisto should stay adept or artisan.
    But Kev shouldn't be left like that.

    I think we already know Mouf made a bad mistake and he is already dealt with. Why can't we just
    move on to the other one.

    Onion told me he'll talk to Kev for the GM stuff before the Mouf incident. I guess it didn't went through or I just got ignored.

    Ima post before this thing runs out of batteries.

    Looks like I used someone's 4G. If you IP info the post I quoted, it shows EricTheBarbaric posted with this IP. Scary shit

    EDIT : But when I info his other IP it says he's from Ontario. The helllll.

  10. x2 derp. Didn't read post topic either. Still a bit confused on why Kev wasn't penalised yet.

    This is a Mouf topic, totally read too fast.

    I agree with you on that he shouldn't have done it, but everything happened too fast without any explainations. He got temp banned by Kev and demoted twice by him.

    Fuck it... I can't speak or argue about 1 situation without comparing it to the other one.

    Both are bad, but only 1 of them is being discussed.

    My phone is overheating in my hands.

    Yes, Moufisto should stay adept or artisan.
    But Kev shouldn't be left like that.

    I think we already know Mouf made a bad mistake and he is already dealt with. Why can't we just
    move on to the other one.

    Onion told me he'll talk to Kev for the GM stuff before the Mouf incident. I guess it didn't went through or I just got ignored.

    Ima post before this thing runs out of batteries.

  11. kevinsweijen wrote:
    Mouf, I really don't mind you, but there's a limit mate, you can't just banall people ON SIGHT, which is what you would do, according to your own words, there's a line that even you have to follow.
    You have nothing to say there. You are not the one who is supposed to ban an expert by yourself. You've overwritten every GM's action and Expert's by allowing yourself to take action alone. I banned Kisuke myself a lot of times, yet you kept unbanning her without reasons. "OMG I DON'T LIKE THIS I UNBAN HER". Yet, Kisuke still kept up with her thing and pissed off Moufisto so he banned her. Moufisto only did what I did before, banning her. He was accused of abuse and showed what real abuse by banning zac. You then decided to take action by yourself instead of freezing and bringing it to the forums for the other expert's to give their opinion, or GM's attention. GM rank is a team, so are experts and YOU blew it.

    Who needs adepts if you can do everything by yourself?
    Who needs experts if you can do everything by yourself?
    Who needs GMs if you can do everything by yourself?

  12. Moufisto wrote:
    Experts are the new adepts, they are made to be babysitted and their judgement as individuals is nulled.

    Don't put me into that. I've never questioned your actions, nor I did something to you without an explanation. Experts are free to do anything about adept-, but when it comes to Expert, they have to team up or ask a GM.

    I took that personally. If it wasn't, then forget what I said (except the second sentence).

    This comes back when I first said we mod the mod who mods the mod. Yes we are 1 "rank" higher, but it doesn't make them like adepts.
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