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About name_no

  • Birthday 05/01/1994
  1. I failed? :O You didn't even answer mah question! :O EDIT: I just read the title...
  2. HUH. MOUFISOTOUSODADRINK IS LEAVING? (haven't talked to you much but) BAIIIIII
  3. I've ate grape flavoured gum with the wrapper on and boiled fish tofu.
  4. Okey, thanks for the info, Doomwatcher ^^
  5. Just saw a guy (Jere611) connect to AITM and found out there are over TEN players matched to him, the majority being banned. Those account names were related to Jere, (Jeremy, Jeremiah and stuff) so imma bit suspicious.
  6. KLED115 and ninga52, we (mikewater, Sheppard250, others and I) had a big fuss about this morning. Also, there are more "ningas" and those accounts are possibly linked to ninga52's. Thanks for your time, name_no
  7. Happy Birthday, even though I didn't know it was your birthday today! (And that I don't quite know you!)
  8. Just asking, have the maps been created yet? I can't go on the server to check.
  9. Don't know you, but hai
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