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Posts posted by the_pungulator

  1. Sounds like a great idea! It would attract new people for the factions, while spicing up the gameplay for old and current players. The factions would add a whole different way to prove dominance. The regular world would be a great place for casual players looking for a calm server, while the factions would be for people looking for constant action and having to be as sneaky and strong as possible.

  2. Zaynyboy wrote:
    I checked your video pung, and it was super laggy. Can you do something to sort the lag out please? Also try doing some commentries. Another thing, can you play it on full screen?


    I put all the answers to those comments in the description of the video, except the full screen, which it was set on, I just couldnt figure out how to cut out the little thing at the bottom.

  3. Before you go, please just watch this person on youtube doing his daily activities and inspiring others. I mean this in the nicest of ways, but look up on youtube "Hella positivity". This guy is amazing to many people and very inspirational.
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