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About leviosagal

  • Birthday 03/09/1991
  1. i have lots of fox costume set?? i am looking for leopard, black cat and pink cat costumes
  2. lol sorry haha where should i put it? i'm confused??? oh i saw a swapping thread.. sorry for this? how can i delete this thread????
  3. so there please offer lowest possible price possible.. or anyone willing to trade them their costume set for my fox costume set?
  4. i think the regal carriage can be a substitute to 6666s coz the resell price of that is 5999? what do you think?
  5. happened to me. i was in the middle of a trade when it happened. and i was worried that it might take soo long but it was the opposite
  6. Sure! Friend request sent! could you please add this please http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000182374961&ref=nf this is where i will send the items.. but please send the items i bought to my main account. (the one in my facebook profile link) i'll send the items first ok.
  7. i want to buy 34cc for penguin balloon 8cc penguin poster 8cc penguin tshirt 6cc large penguin plushie 12cc for 8x4999s and 2x999s is that ok???
  8. can i buy another cc coins from you??
  9. thank you very much!!! penguins received!!!!
  10. it will be faster if you remind me what you wanted as it is taking forever to recheck these posts... 2 small penguin plushie? one for me and one for my sister? and we both have added you already. now I need your sister's pet's name and level......I will be ready for trade after this ok.. ellen nano pet name: popo level: 37
  11. it will be faster if you remind me what you wanted as it is taking forever to recheck these posts... 2 small penguin plushie? one for me and one for my sister? and we both have added you already. 20cc 18*999s = 11cc 3*4999s= 9cc
  12. i am online!!! yey! we can trade now.
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