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About XX Sid XX

  • Birthday 08/06/1977
  1. how do you know the goss be for me , spill !! lol
  2. XX Sid XX

    music chain

    i'm forever blowing bubbles..
  3. black kitty plushie merlin doll 1 x 4999
  4. even so there would be no way play fish would send a message stating you have all the coins ... play fish would recive a warning of some sort that the player was cheating...
  5. the dolls are photo shop... as for the races how can you tell?
  6. thats one old machine there is guards on the newer models to stop you sending your kids in to get a prize !! looks like all the staff were watching. IDOPTS
  7. i dont see the piont only me and the cats.... + i will be working
  8. thats classic. its the last time i let granny give me orange juice hehe
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