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Everything posted by Toulouse

  1. Okay Dawn, just let me know If it is the place I mentioned, then I'm afraid it'll be pretty cold and me three: a TJ?
  2. Let me know if you have the name (fun fact - ahem... De Haan translated to English is actually 'The Rooster') and let me know in time when you have to pack, I'll keep you posted about the weather and what they are forecasting?
  3. Oh phew, so he won't be tortured with snow, that's a good thing! Lemme think... We consider April as a very wacky month - it can be very very nice, but it could still freeze. Does he know if it's going to be near the sea? We have a place pronounced the way you've written, but that's at the sea (might be mighty cold)
  4. Oh Wish, does he have to stay long? It's pretty cold and they're giving snow this Saturday
  5. Just kidding Fran Isn't it cold?
  6. Just a bit seasick at the moment Frannie Just going to copy I need for school tomorrow and then continue watching TV shows
  7. Hi Dawn, how are you? (watching the vampire diaries in the meantime - not in the mood to do something for school)
  8. If you mean Gill, Frannie, I saw her here this morning, she's not feeling better yet (migraine attack)
  9. Oh Wish!!! I nearly forgot: THANK YOU!
  10. I thought it would be funny I have wondered too why they haven't made a multiplier, especially when you're bombing, that would be so much easier!
  11. I know I know, I'm not supposed to play with food, but I thought this would be nice (and only just realized the U had better been a Y)
  12. Yeah one of them really likes fish and he got really excited and bit my finger in stead of taking the fish... I did get skittles!!! I LOVE them!!! I certainly did, wait a second, I'll show you!
  13. So it was you!!! I thought they opened the package and checked if the candy was really candy Didn't make it = I ate one But I enjoyed every single one I popped in my mouth!
  14. Hey guys, how are you? Cat just bit my finger lol (okay okay, I plead guilty, I was giving him fish) Frannie, one tiny bag didn't make it, and another one got attacked by Mom
  15. Hi Boogs!! Will have to be going actually, class starts in half an hour and Dad is getting on my nerves (he's just wandering around, waiting for me to come downstairs and leave - he has to get the car checked today and prolly wants to be back on time) See you guys later!!
  16. How long do you wear them Kijo? Do you have a long day of work ahead? When you get home, take something for the fever, I have no idea if it's because of the meds or if you have something coming down. Having a bit of a 'hard' day here myself, my fingers don't want to cooperate today, blah, but it's bearable, just don't have to start playing the piano or anything. Will have to leave in a bit
  17. I think the can's a bit too small if you don't know it's there You could try to work something else out, but wondering... they are asking for fish, so I would think to keep it fishy
  18. That's okay hon I know one thing... I REALLY have to throw away these contacts and use new ones, because I see everything in a blur...
  19. Either way it is a good thing, because sometimes the details make it worth! How's the fever going? Still cold?
  20. I used the zoom option to see it
  21. Yeah it's small, but I think it's neat though You're what we call a perfectionist - which is good!
  22. now that you mention the can - I didn't see it at first
  23. There, I'm back Maybe if I see him, I know who you guys mean Kijo, that is awesome!!! I love the little kitty on top of her head
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