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Everything posted by Toulouse

  1. Toulouse

    March Chat Part 4

    There I'm back, she's really got the hang of it
  2. Toulouse

    March Chat Part 4

    I think I got someone addicted to fishing I explained Mom how to fish and I can see in the feed she's fishing, so will be back in 5mins, going to check how it goes!
  3. Toulouse

    March Chat Part 4

    *shivers* Hard to imagine a fox coming so close! Pigeons are terrible the reason why I don't like chicken is not known, I've always had that - we have a chicken coop and every time my parents are gone I have to collect the eggs... Imagine the fear!!! Oh and fish. That is so weird, but I can't stand a fish touching me Hey, I read about you wanted to be a writer - what kind of stories would you write?
  4. Toulouse

    March Chat Part 4

    Sounds scary! Do they come close, like close nearby so you can pet them? Oh and I don't like pigeons or chicken... I don't like the way they look at me and I've been kind of attacked by pigeons a while ago. Friend and I were walking on a square and all of a sudden an entire pack of pigeons flew right over our heads
  5. Toulouse

    March Chat Part 4

    I don't like every animal - spiders, snakes, bugs... other then that I love them all! I didn't even know they came so close to houses actually.
  6. Toulouse

    March Chat Part 4

    I think back then it was a bit sad, but now I dealt with everything about that and I think it's the nicest nickname someone gave me (apart from Mom's nicknames for me offcourse). Besides, I like bunnies and it gives me some kind of "connection" with my godfather as he was really passionate about them. Could you believe I have never seen a real fox? I'm thinking it must be really funny, seeing them eyeing each other, but then again, at 3am... That's mental! : D
  7. Toulouse

    March Chat Part 4

    I think it all started when we had 2 wild rabbits in our yard and I started talking about it over here - then we had a lot of bunnies dying (which upset me a little back then because one of them was my fav one, it was the one my godfather bought before he died and it was his fav too)... and then Gill came up with the nick
  8. Toulouse

    March Chat Part 4

    Wish, I think it's a lovely idea Will have to think about my answers for a bit
  9. Toulouse

    March Chat Part 4

    Funny, because he's always the one that lures me into eating cous cous... But it's always from a pot, but his Mom makes really good cous cous! Going to check it out!
  10. Toulouse

    March Chat Part 4

    hmm, cous cous, the only time I ate that was when I went skiing, but it's from a pot so really not that tasty (BF loves that though). I didn't read back that far, I'm sorry
  11. Toulouse

    March Chat Part 4

    Wish that sounds great (so the thinking wasn't dangerous!)
  12. Toulouse

    March Chat Part 4

    Can I ask you what you had for dinner Wish? And give me some of the rest (grumpy at the moment, trying to improve my mood) Craig David... That name rings a bell!
  13. Toulouse

    March Chat Part 4

    Woohoo for Wish! (so did the food help to get you in a better mood or did you do something else?) Just watching something funny on TV, won't take long anymore, so you have my full attention
  14. Toulouse

    March Chat Part 4

    I'll keep my fingers crossed then That is nice of her indeed!
  15. Toulouse

    March Chat Part 4

    I'm back, just did something productive, used the hometrainer for 10mins, which is a good start since I haven't exercised for a long time now... How is ED doing? Oh I hope Dennis will feel better soon, I hope it's nothing bad!
  16. Toulouse

    March Chat Part 4

    Hey Z, I read back there's something wrong with Dennis? (be back in 10)
  17. Toulouse

    March Chat Part 4

    Oh I don't mind to have such a lazy day, means I needed to rest (otherwise I would do something) Bon appetit!
  18. Toulouse

    March Chat Part 4

    No, not at all : D I had to get out of bed too early (after nog enough sleep) and really didn't do a thing today (just help out where I could but that's about it)
  19. Oh It was an ox shoe!! Now that was hard to see! Congrats Dawn!!!!!
  20. Toulouse

    March Chat Part 4

    Evening guys, how are you?
  21. Toulouse

    March Chat Part 4

    Rina I'm sorry to leave you alone, but going to try to do something productive today Nice talking to you! See you later!
  22. Toulouse

    March Chat Part 4

    3 weeks! lucky you! I have to wait 2 more weeks to have 2 weeks off (which I will have to use to study, because we don't have much time to study just before exams start)
  23. Toulouse

    March Chat Part 4

    sorry, connection dropped...
  24. Toulouse

    March Chat Part 4

    I'm just feeling a bit lazy since I got out of bed too early and didn't get enough sleep (plus, nothing to prepare for school at the moment, so enjoying some quiet time)
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