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Everything posted by Bee1

  1. Bee1

    March Chat Part 6

    sorry guys - internet trouble Hello Bogie I'm settling in - thank you for asking Frannie - thank you, I will save the recipe and try it sometimes *yummy*
  2. Bee1

    March Chat Part 6

    Cancel Credit Cards Prior to Death Reported in the Newcastle Evening Chronicle recently; A lady died last September, and MBNA bank billed her for October and November for their annual service charges on her credit card, and Then added late fees and interest on the monthly charge. The balance that had been £0.00, now is somewhere around £60.00. A family member placed a call to the MBNA Bank: Family Member: 'I am calling to tell you that she died in September.' MBNA: 'The account was never closed and the late fees and charges still apply.' Family Member: 'Maybe, you should turn it over to collections.' MBNA: 'Since it is two months past due, it already has been.' Family Member: So, what will they do when they find out she is dead?' MBNA: 'Either report her account to the frauds division or report her to the credit bureau, maybe both!' Family Member: 'Do you think God will be mad at her?' MBNA: 'Excuse me?' Family Member: 'Did you just get what I was telling you . . the part about her being dead?' MBNA: 'Sir, you'll have to speak to my supervisor.' Supervisor gets on the phone Family Member: 'I'm calling to tell you, she died in September.' MBNA: 'The account was never closed and the late fees and charges still apply.' Family Member: 'You mean you want to collect from her estate?' MBNA: (Stammer) 'Are you her lawyer?' Family Member: 'No, I'm her grandson' (Lawyer info given) MBNA: 'Could you fax us a certificate of death?' Family Member: 'Sure.' ( fax number is given ) After they get the fax: MBNA: 'Our system just isn't set up for death. I don't know what more I can do to help.' Family Member: 'Well, if you figure it out, great! If not, you could just keep billing her. I don't think she will care.' MBNA: 'Well, the late fees and charges do still apply.' Family Member: 'Would you like her new billing address?' MBNA: 'That might help.' Family Member: ' Heaton Cemetary, Heaton Road , Newcastle upon Tyne Plot 1049.' MBNA: 'Sir, that's a cemetery!' Family Member: 'Well, what the f--k do you do with dead people on your planet?' MBNA were not available for comment when a reporter from the Newcastle Evening Chronicle rang.
  3. Bee1

    March Chat Part 6

    what soup? (looking for some inspiration) - when I was moving the kitchen stuff i found out I have 3 (500g) packets of soup pasta (little pasta alphabet shapes and some noodles) so I need to start making some soups to used them up
  4. Bee1

    March Chat Part 6

    Frannie - you are not old! Just mature Hello Dawn - glad you had nice weekend - ready for long weekend?
  5. Bee1

    March Chat Part 6

    oh that's good - I was starting to worry about him - he always said he was very old maybe I should drop him a note anyway - just to let him know that he's not forgotten
  6. Bee1

    March Chat Part 6

    same here - I do it every few weeks when I'm organizing my grocery on-line order - I go through my magazines and the website (for slimming world)but lots of time you end up eating same stuff over and over anyway
  7. Bee1

    March Chat Part 6

    Frannie - do you know what's happening with Elvis? I have not seen him since we moved to this forum. He's still on my friends list but disappeared from my PS. Maybe I should message him once I get on fb tonight.
  8. Bee1

    March Chat Part 6

    well I have (95%) my stuff with me but it's all piled up on every availeble inch of the floor in my room right now so I will be sorting it out this weekend (it's Easter so we have friday and monday off) as my housemate will be away with some friends - flying to Germany for a weekend. Yes I'm settiling in - done some cooking last night - chilli and I was thinking about you and your corn bread
  9. Bee1

    March Chat Part 6

    no need to appologise Frannie I'm doing some letters while chatting here
  10. Bee1

    March Chat Part 6

    I'm still here Frannie oops with the coffee pot - I was just looking back for the post about Kijo and Tan Tan's weekend
  11. Bee1

    March Chat Part 6

    bye Kijo and good luck at hospital (at least you were spared of the stress of moving) hello Frannie how was your weekend?
  12. Bee1

    March Chat Part 6

    so it's (almost) good news then that's a relieve - I'm sure the rest will fall in place soon too - you are owned it!! I just wanted to compare notes really - I take it you moved and change a job too? In comparison with you I'm taking baby steps but you seems to be doing real well - I'm proud of you
  13. Bee1

    March Chat Part 6

    Yeah I was going to write you to see how are things as we both ended up in same situation and I don't come here as much as I used to so I'm way way behind on "gossip" so I thought I ask in private - nothing urgent - I'm just nosey to know how are things with you
  14. Bee1

    March Chat Part 6

    I wish there would be a way I could help but being "oceans apart" I can only offer
  15. Bee1

    March Chat Part 6

    you and me both I've been meaning to send you a fb mail for ages but can't do it from work and usually forget once I get home or I'm too tired @zoonie - yes it's a lots of money but they will have to do separate circuit breaker for the shower and lots of other bits and bobs - I've seen the quote letter and it's a half page long just listing what need to be done to have an electric shower installed. I personally don't care where the water's coming from(electric shower or mixer taps) as long as it's clean and acceptable temperature (yes I have lived in places with no shower or washing machine before and it's soooo inconvenient). @zoonie - yes I'm planning to spend d 4 days on it as I'm sick of not being able to find stuff (and be tripping over stuff). Also that would mean once that's done that the move is complete and I can concentrate on having a life (well...) Yes once it's done I can start to relax
  16. Bee1

    March Chat Part 6

    I know - luckily Mr B don't mind if I come to his. Little things like this we take for granted - running water, shower, washing machine, (dishwasher for some of us), microwave oven , TV etc. and once they are not there - you lost.
  17. Bee1

    March Chat Part 6

    Zoonie both - had really busy weekend and not much sleep last night. My room looks like a tip right now - every bit of floor is covered with bags and boxes of my stuff as I had to move rest of my gear out in preparation of Mr B's mother's visit this weekend (actually she arrives on wednesday evening). I will have to be sorting it all out (and moving lots of it to charity shop) this weekend. Speaking of workmen in the house - we should have a plumber coming around sometimes this week - my housemate's ex will be there to supervise as he's doing night shifts this week. Our shower is not working right - it's a mixer tap and the moment you switch it over to shower you either get stone freezing cold water or boiling hot one coming out of the shower. She was going to get an electric shower installed but it would be 6-8 week before the guy could come and do the work (and quoted her £600). Now she is trying to have the taps sorted (cheaper I hope and quicker) as you can only have a bath right now. Every few days I go to Mr B's to wash my hair as I have quite a long hair and really can't wash it in a bath (I have tried to use measuring jug to pour water over my hair but it just take too long to go it that way). How was your weekend girls? Hope it was good.
  18. Bee1

    March Chat Part 6

    (don't let the smiley fool you - this is not how I feel)
  19. glad to know I'm not the only one who read the books several times I have seen Twilight - movie first then got the books and read all of them before seeing New Moon. I will read Eclipse (yet again for umpteenth time) before the movie release in June - just to refresh my memory. Love losing myself in the story and yes I too wish that there would be few Edwards walking amongst us (well not vampire but you know what I mean) so each of us can find her own.
  20. Looks like I'm not missing much - not really watching telly - being it UK, American, Czech or any other - reality TV never called to me as I have watched Big Brother once (for about 2 minutes while waiting at friends house ) and they shown people sleeping - what a lots of bull. I do like programs about nature though but you have to subscribe to specialised channels for that Normal telly is hardly worth watching anymore. Bring of DVD's and cinema .
  21. I have seen few episodes (living in UK I don't think they show it on telly here). As Twilight fan I didn't like it at first but it quickly grew on me. It has it's own charm and I can't wait to see more. Have they already done 2 seasons? and 3rd one coming out soon? Got some catching up to do
  22. me too! It was really hard to put it down. I wouldn't have normally read AU story but this one ......... thanks for letting me know about it!
  23. Bee1

    March Chat Part 6

    that sounds yummy - chocolate *drool*
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