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Everything posted by Bee1

  1. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Hello Kijo how's your weekend been?
  2. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Hello everyone hope you all had nice weekend. Yes I can - I just spend a weekend in Bath with 12 other "fiberglass animal statue enthusiasts" and we had such a great time - so much fun and not a single quarrel. Another news - I've heard from Elivis - just a little note as I tagged him on my photo with lion Elvis.
  3. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    still no-one around?
  4. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Hope you survived that in one piece
  5. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    I'm doing good - counting days till weekend what's happening next door? Moody boss?
  6. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Nooooooooooooo I'm still here but working at the same time How are you Kijo?
  7. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    how is everyone this fine sunny day?
  8. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Yes you need to look at bright side - it could have been worse - at least you can walk. Have a nice rest and will talk to you later hun
  9. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    I've never really tried kidneys before but I like liver so I though why not. Sounds like quite a day in your kitchen. As far as fish is concerned - if you grill it you tend to keep the skin on but if your recipe ask for a fish that's cut up in pieces then you would normally remove the skin (it's easier done when the fish is big piece - e.g whole side of fish) I had fish on saturday too - I love fish me and bough talapia fillets in sweet chilli marinade from fish counter in my supermarket - comes in a bag already marinated, just pan fry it. It was yummy. I can't really speak for RA as I'm not that familiar but maybe once the meds kick in propely you might try to do some excerices to strenghten your hands (like post operative physio?). It's not sad to say - it's said that you coudln't have anyting done earlier that it had to come to a point when you consider it "being normal". No point dwelling on past - look forward to brighter future my website is: http://petra.jirusova.tripod.com/
  10. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Have you start packing yet or you leaving it all for last minute? I bet you are excited about the move
  11. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Thanks for the update about DR - let's hope it will all be getting better or at least managable now that you are taking "proper" stuff. Still sorry to hear that you are having medical problems to start with - I don't know how I would have coped in your place but I guess you don't really have an option do you?
  12. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Sorry Kijo - work was hectic last week and I didn't get chance to come here Leopard - I'm going to take a stab in dark and guess that you are talking about operating system for Mac rather than the actual animal My weekend was quiet - managed to do all my laundry, all the ironing and clean up most of the house (yes my housemate was out again). Away next weekend for Bath trip (Bath being a town in UK) so I didn't want to have any outstanding chores (at least personal ones). Done some cooking too - Kidneys in red wine sauce and it's yummy. I've got the recipe on my website (not sure if I gave you the address).
  13. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    I'm bit late today - printer crisis first thing in the morning. All sorted now. Hope you all had nice weekend
  14. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    I'm going to Bath next weekend with group of people to do some Lion spotting. Few of us are meeting this evening to look at the map (someone went last week and bought us a map as you can't get it off the internet) and plan some strategies. I 'm really looking forward to it. It's 3 weeks till I'm going home
  15. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Byeee Kijo Zoonie I spent half an hour on saturday trying to validate my credit card - going through menus, entering and re-entering all information only to be put through to operator who asked me to confirm all the details I've entered at least 5 times already!
  16. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    any more "weird" people at work? e.g. guys in their underwear or little kids shouting all over the place about their toilet acheivements
  17. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Yeah I have to agree with you Kijo - no pain is always better. Of course we will support you! just let us know
  18. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    sorry to hear about your knuckles. I had very achy elbows yesterday. I took some cod liver oil last night and it seems to be OK this morning - of course my joint problems are fraction of what you have so there is no comparison. Tee-shirt design - go for it!
  19. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Hello Zoonie I'm doing good apart some problems with my alarm clock last two days. How are you and IMOM?
  20. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Morning everyone lovely pics of Wish, Bogie and Di - looks like you had great time girls. I'm soooo jealous but my time will come (next year).
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