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Everything posted by Bee1

  1. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    it works same but got different name and container that hold the stuff you chopping. Have a good rest and catch you later hun
  2. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    no trouble at all! Yeah I used to do the"chopping chillies and then rubbing your eyes" think even though I know I shoudn't. I'm sure you can buy cheap latex gloves in pharmacy or some cheap stores. I'm using this for my chillies it's for onions but I do garlic, chillies etc in that too as it help minimise hand to ingedience contact (and stops your eyes getting watery when chopping onions)
  3. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    I can't post comment to your blog - in future you can use thin latex gloves when chopping jalapenos or chillies (trick I've learned from one of cooks that worked for me when in pub trade). Hope you feel better soon hun
  4. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    what a start of a day for me. My house mate had some friends over till abut 23.30. I must have dozed off at some point before they left (remember looking at clock at 23.00) and woke up at 2am to use bathroom. Next thing I know it's 7am and my alarm clock didn't go off! 25 minutes to shower, make up, get dressed, get my lunch packed and out of door - sadly no time for breakfast or make-up. When in shower I realised that at the weekend I bough 2 shampoos instead of shampoo and conditioner. At least I had reasonable relaxing weekend. How is everyone?
  5. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Have a great time with "girls" Frannie - movies and quilting today right?
  6. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    You are right about that! I don't have any "final documents" yet - maybe that's something else I should look into but I don't really have any posession to speak of (and no children) so not really sure if that's necessary for me. Let's speak about something more cheerful now. Its friday and it's sunny! Two days of no work ahead of me. I got paid today being last working day in a month. Need to work out my spending for this month so I can start saving for the trip next June I always get so excited when I think about it.
  7. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    I guess I'm lucky enough that I can give blood - there are so many restrictions now about that! And my iron level was high enough this time. I was happy as this was my 25th donations so I got my silver award. My sister can't give blood as she is too thin but she is registered as bone marrow donor (she was jealous that I'm helping people and she can't so she found a way). I might look into that and she (and even Mr B knew) that I want my organs to be used should the worse happen.
  8. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Looks like we cross posted this Kijo Hello Frannie have not spoken to you for ages. How are you?
  9. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Yeah a bit. Because I went to give blood on wednesday I had to go to different slimming world group on tuesday because I would have to pay for missed week. Last night I went out to photograph a dragon (it's part of dragon parade in Wales that I'm hoping to go and see in late Septmber) and I met up with one new friend and we ended up going for a meal and had great chat. Got home at 11pm. Having social life is so tiring
  10. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    It sounds like things are looking up for you! Fingers crossed with Dr issue (sorry I have not really read back). You off this weekend?
  11. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    1 September is not too far away and should give you enough time to pack/clean etc. Love the t-shirt. Monster eating cupcakes l
  12. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Hello Kijo sorry about that! Great news on your apartment! How long will it take to sort out the move?
  13. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    sorry I have not been around much this week but work's been busy. Hope you all doing well. I will be in and out a lot today so please bear with me
  14. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    he's only half mastiff - we got him as 3 months old puppy from dog rescue centre - he's called Neo. Yes like the one from Matrix and it suits him in many ways - he was the only tan puppy from the littre (remaining 7 were all dark). We only know that the female was mastiff - no one really knows anything about the dog and I'm guessing that's the reason all puppies were given away. He's daft as a brush and we think there some boxer in him. He's not as wrinkly as mastiffs are - just on his head (kind of his forehead). I always loved big dogs and my dream dog is "blue" Great Dane
  15. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    well I still refer to him as my baby even though he's starting to get grey around his nose (it's his snout and ears are black and rest is tan) . it's funny when my sister came to visit few years ago - she is quite thin and petite and weights 49KG and I asked her to walk the dog that weights 42kg. He's not huge - to your knees but he's half mastiff so I guess that's why he's so heavy. He was weight at vets few weeks ago and we were told that he lost 0.75kg from last time
  16. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    the poor puppy you are refering to is 6,5 years old 42kg dog! but yeah I agree but then he did live with his mum till he was 30 so I don't expect lots of maturity from him
  17. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Oh no he does not tell me - he told my ex who told me. When I'm there he's acting like I'm disturbing, stomping around for a bit and then going to his room. I don't want to cause any arguments so I rather not go when he's around. I would just pick the dog and leave and then just bring him back and not stay. The only one who really suffers is the dog as I don't get to see him as much as I would like as not always I have the time to take him for walk. I will be crossing my fingers for you that it will all work out with the apartment.
  18. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Sorry to hear that hun Yeah I'm doing good. Hang out with my ex last night. He was on my train on the way home from work and his housemate is away so I walked the dog with him and then ended up back at his to watch some telly and play with the dog. It's more relax there if his housemate is not in. He's not too happy about the fact that I stop by every now and then as he thinks that me and my ex shouldn't be friends (not like I care what he things) but I still rather not go there if he's in
  19. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Hello Lazar and Kijo it's bit cloudy but sticky hot here. I've got the fan on to keep by bit cool (am at work right now) Kijo - why??? any news about the apartment?
  20. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    how is everyone this fine day?
  21. Bee1

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Got caught up with work and now you all gone. Have a nice day/night
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