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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. also I have a question.. if one of the items 'melted' could we just post a pic of what it melted into? (number 8)
  2. yeah.. 16 is hard.. did you see my note about number 19?
  3. I'm good Tanya... my seeing eye dog keeps knocking my cane over... You heard I went blind trying to play the Scavenger Hunt this week, right?
  4. h ihi everyone! welcome back from the inlaws Tanya!
  5. well girls.. I feel a nap coming on... Been waiting all day for FedEx to come and the minute I shut my eyes I bet they pull up! see you later
  6. Did you know that Armell is from BC as well?
  7. no apology necessary Armell. I can tell you are very close with this friend. I hope it helps to talk about it a little
  8. mylady... are you the one from Chiliwack?
  9. hmm what is the difference between the sent box and the outbox in messaging?
  10. Hey there Armell!!!! Good to see you. How are you and How is your friend? Also, while I'm inquiring... How is your father In Law Sharon?
  11. OK wish and LouAnn..PM's sent.. look up top and see the tab that says messages... third from right
  12. well a little bit naughty.. don;t want to get any warnings here...
  13. Hi LouAnn.... I see you made it back! Did the link help? Wish you were feeling better
  14. hi hi.... how's everyone doing?
  15. well Gill.. going to go back and get a couple hours more sleep... see you later, after I brave the markets today
  16. i get fixated looking for those differences
  17. ok got em downloaded... I like these type of contests even though I don't do well!
  18. oo did the photos get enlarged.. have not looked this morning
  19. I've done a severe clearing on my friend list.. those inactive over a week or so,, except for a few have been trimmed off... Just too many posts, even when I hide people
  20. ahh Oh well, it happens. I really liked her
  21. What has happened to Leonor? Does anyone know....haven't seen her active for quite a while now
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