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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. back in a few.. walking Mark out to car
  2. Good morning Dawn! and I agree... the Scavenger hunt is the best!!!! It's fun that lasts all week.. and I do love collaborating with you!
  3. I got my hair cut and colored yesterday.. Feel so much better. I was in terrible shape.. had a good two inches of grey growth... bangs (fringe?) were down past the tip of my nose.. So . all ready for next week to start work. House is decluttered... feels good too
  4. somehow I had missed them in all the Christmas Frenzy
  5. not sure.. but I got some in a trade.. will send one when I get back to my own account
  6. ok I'm back.. so cold out there brrrrrr Did you manage to get any of the gingerbread stockings for yourself?
  7. and just glanced.. yes.. time to start trading.. but maybe wait till you post the pic... might be some stuff we all would prefer to buy first?
  8. will be right back.. you know where I'm going and trust me.... you don't want to go there today
  9. I'm well Gill... how's yourself? shake off that chill from New Years yet? Today mark goes back to work.. Robin goes back after being off 4 days... the dog and I are so happy .. We're used to nice quiet days
  10. Kijo.. thanks so much, once again for hosting this fun comppetition. Please distribute my share of prizes among the other 5.. except for my share of the mac and cheese??? Now on to this weeks!
  11. well girls.. am gonna go get my lottery money and do some shopping.. maybe catch you later
  12. ooo while I was there I fixed the clock so it shows my time zone... getting more used to it every day!
  13. yes New Years was good.. very quiet.. made it till midnight.. not ten minutes after LOL On the siggie thing.. go to my profile... then preferences.. theres is an area that says allow sigs... then you can go to the sig area
  14. nope.. you have to check something that says allow sig..
  15. hi Mindy Hi Armell! new stuff very soon!
  16. oh Tanya! do play with us.. I like 'collaborating' so if you need anything.. let me know
  17. back and no one about.. will check back later
  18. Just got here... but on my way out to the frozen tundra so I can have a smoke ...will be back shortly
  19. am going to go for a bit. Hope to see you all later.. Have a great day!
  20. I need a haircut... drove past the other day and was too crowded... maybe today, since the holidays are over now. We undecorated yesterday, today just have to cart it all downstairs to the basement
  21. brrrrr am back. Sure can't stay out there long. Just checked the weather.com.. it's -12 feels like -19 with wind chill (c) No wonder!
  22. will be back in a few.... can't get enough nicotine today, it seems... if anyone leaves, sorry I missed you
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