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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. it's only 9 out there right now... (-13 to you BG)
  2. brrrrrrrrrrrrrr... very very cold today
  3. gmornin BG and Tanya.. passing through to the garage and will be back shortly.. Tanya, if you need a hand with the hunt. let me know... and BG.. thanks so much for those last two items you helped me with
  4. I was here but only posting to say Hello and let you all now I have not dropped off the face of the Earth. Today is Policy and Procedures day for Tax season and will be there until Noon at least. Will pop in tomorrow and then who knows, as far as daytime goes? Will have better bearings after I get my schedule today
  5. Frannie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Seems as thought the registry is set with at least 2 of each from this week TWS. Yay for us and so much easier to track rather than having all those items from previous weeks
  6. Sparkles looks so darn cute dressed up like a snowball!
  7. alright then Kijo.. you have a good weekend hun.. am gonna go wander off
  8. Hey Kijo!!!! I think I am done.. except for #16.. Can ya check me out, please purty please? (I'm way back on page 13)
  9. Kijo.. I might have found # 16... check it out, please... now on to find # 17
  10. cmon you guys!!!! How am I s'posed to collaborate off ya if ya don't post pics? It's Thursday already! LOLOLOLOL
  11. well girls.. keep an eye out for Kim.. I have to try to go back to sleep... hugs to all of you!
  12. if i drink hard stuff.. it's gotta be a shot.. which I love doing.. don't like it mixed.. though I DO love me a good Margarita be right back
  13. somehow I knew that would interest you Kijo... seems we have a similar preference in our ummm choices
  14. Kim's going to try to get here! Looks ou t the window
  15. I'm cool with wine and beer.. it's tequila that I'm such a cheap date for. My bro and I save that for special times together.. Last trip out we killed two bottles in one night.. me, him and his grandson
  16. OK.. thanks for the hints Kijo.. and didn't mean to say copy.. meant 'collaborate' LOL
  17. would seaweed curtains be a wall decoration? LOL I am so lost can't even copy off the others atthis point
  18. almost time for a valentine's siggy
  19. hmm I ought to get a clue then for say... #9.... LOL
  20. sure was... could only smoke a half 20 out here with wind chill 8 ( -7 and -13 for you Armell)
  21. no I had the new round coffee pot thing
  22. be right back.. armell made me crave a smoke
  23. Re: C&GGG Scavenger Hunt! by inu-kijo Yesterday at 5:51 am+ ---- - who knows i might need some collaboration this week as well too! O__O can't figure out one or two items still myself. anyways, Frannie, number 1,8,16 and 19 needs to be looked at again. : D
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