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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. My daughter, an RN, claims she could throw a dart at my arm from across the room and hit for a draw...
  2. and that should make your life easier!
  3. Frannie's Entries 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  4. going to go lie down and pray for tie to pass quickly before I have to leave for Dr. Appointment is not until 8:45 and it's only 5:20 right now
  5. lololol better than the reaction I have on others Gill.. brb
  6. unless you want to put my Prince Charming in it?
  7. Love it Tanya... what else would you do? Looks pretty complete to me already!
  8. you get to go see KIJO???? we want pics... lots of them!!!
  9. good morning! this is terrible. I want my coffee, but like BG I am scheduled for blood work this morning and ihave to fast, though I like her word for it much better... 'be sober'
  10. Congrats Yarden and Toulouse! Now on to this weeks game!
  11. hi Mindy and bye Mindy... just on my way out.. but have fun!!!!!!!!
  12. but for now , my friend Tanya.. I'm off to bed.. I never sleep late, until I have to be somewhere early
  13. well I did.. I couldn't believe I didn't have it anyway.. because I do like it.. Also... if you're going to be buying the snow white eggs.. I have lots of doubles on the dwarves, if you want to do some trading
  14. gnight Armell.... and I'm right behind you
  15. don't buy it.. I've been looking at it all week.. I'll buy it and loan it to you.... I understand about the all white things.. it's why I don't buy Misha pink, unless I dye her for a day.. brb
  16. don't buy it.. I've been looking at it all week.. I'll buy it and loan it to you.... I understand about the all white things.. it's why I don't buy Misha pink, unless I dye her for a day.. brb
  17. Hi Armell!!! not staying long.. have Dr Appt in Am.. but peeked in and thought maybe Tanya could find that last item
  18. anyway if you do.. she has one on display in her top room
  19. hi girls..... Tanya.. do you have yardenwoolf as a friend?
  20. well.. gonna go look around the house and see what kind of trouble I can get into. Will see you tomorrow Gill!
  21. I didn't watch it first run but I catch it here in reruns almost every day
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