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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. who made the logo up top? it's nice... even if they left me out sniff sniff
  2. well. I am feeling better. Sugar still not under control, but the bad stuff is gone. so that's a good thing. Sorry to hear you are not well
  3. oh hey there gill... how are you? You sure make me appreciate our gas heat!
  4. ahh ok.. perhaps I will see you then Toulouse
  5. ooops daughter wants to play a game on wii... see you guys next time
  6. not quite sleepy now after all.... so that's not a movie camera eh??? well I know we don;t have mickey mouse ears.. gonna have to work on that one some more
  7. Hmmm... i dont think you need that..... :whistle: LOLOL oh my god.... look who's here.. and glad you're saving me the trouble!
  8. yea I wasn't crazy about it either.. but now it's part of the Scavenger hunt.. been looking all over. Not sure that many liked it! Anyway.. was just passing through on my way back from a smoke. Going to try to get some sleep... but good to see you both
  9. do either of you have the PS movie camera from a few moths ago... and if you do can I borrow it for a few minutes?
  10. I understand about making things for money.. and people want them for next to nothing.. ran into that with my quilting and wound up the same... giving them away. The elves are really adorable though..
  11. yes much better Armell.. I love that Elf... bet you could make good money selling them.. You'd have all year to work on it!
  12. I'm better and good... how are you Tanya?
  13. Hi HI! wasn't the elf the one on your facebook Armell???
  14. thanks for letting me know that! Will work some more on it
  15. By the way.. I LOVE the Scavenger hunt! Just thought I should let you know
  16. HUNT THIS WEEK: 12/29/09-1/4/10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Sorry.. it's hanging so high up I can barely get it in the picture.. 17 18 19 20
  17. ok.. going to try this week.... first I'm going to test to see if we can even edit our posts here.. so hang on guys.. not sure what's going to happen and it seems I CAN edit.. so now going to start my post!
  18. sigh... maybe catch you all tomorrow afternoon
  19. Stopping by to see if anyone was here.... and as my luck has been the past week. my timing is off. We're recovering nicely from Christmas and mark still has one week off before the New Year's and his birthday (the 2nd). Never thought I'd be married to a 60 year old LOLOLOL
  20. ahh guess I missed you. Happy Boxing Day (is that how the sentiment is expressed?) to all of oyu in the UK. Maybe I'll catch you later
  21. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL Going to go get some prep done
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