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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. here is my number 17.. hope you can see it now
  2. Okie Dokie Kijo.. I "think" I am done.... will you check for me? (page 7)
  3. BOO!!!! sorry I didn't see you before... and sorry to be so short.. but hi and bye
  4. ok girls.. I need to go find a few more scavenger hunt items.. Happy New Year if I don't see you before... ta ta for now
  5. gnight boogie.. and YUP I find it very difficult to chat here
  6. Indeed it is.. does it make it easier for you Armell I could tell you how to change it... but can't tell yu an easy way back here.. To change it.. go to "Your Profile" and the category is there
  7. be right back.... I went and changed my level and barely found my way back! whooooo Is this part something I don't know... share ALL tips please... we have to make this easier LOL (at least you told me how to stop the someone posted before you thing though congratulations made it a bit easier)
  8. waves to Armell!!!! ooo I see you too!!!
  9. I'm ok with reading Boogie, until the smileys start up and the scrolling.. I took off my siggie and even though I loved it, It made it easier to read
  10. Hey marie! Good to see you.. gnight Toulouse.. sleep well sweetie
  11. hi hi everyone! would try to read back to see who is here but I might get lost.. I see Boogie Woogie.. Hi Girlfriend.. are your tests done?
  12. anyway.. has been great seeing faces here again.. even though I run into Tanya and Armell a bit. Am going to lie down. If I don't get back, Happy New Year to all. Have a wonderful time out, Gill! We'll be expecting a report!
  13. odd how language works, eh? Although I bet most people in the US think fondue is only chocolate or cheese
  14. i have missed so much sleep and me time lol My Dear friend is in hospital[/quote] Oh yes I do recall seeing something about that.. (she had a breakdown?) and am sorry I have not asked about her
  15. not quite sure what you mean by gourmet? Here in the States that's a term as to a 'type' of food. Sure that you mean something different
  16. sounds wonderful. It's a tradition here to have pork roast on New Year Day. I fix it with a boatload of sauerkraut and then side veggies. One of my favorite meals, mostly because of all the caraway seed I use. Love caraway seed
  17. I understand perfectly, Armell. I had a good head of steam going.. then sat down after the pantry chore and that's it for the day, I'm afraid LOL
  18. Rabbit and cep lasagne with prosciutto what is cep? and what have you chosen?? an amazing looking place!
  19. be right back,, big ol dog needing to be let out
  20. ooo Bibendum looks interesting... especially the Crustacea Stall. Love seafood!!!!
  21. we don't really celebrate New Years Eve. Through the seventies and early eighties I was supervisor of Commercial loans for a large Bank. Books had to close NYE so we rarely got out of there until two am or so. Then, after having Robin and staying home. Mark played in a band as a second income. NYE was shot all through that time.. Soooooooo.. we try to stay awake until midnight. wait for the idiots here who shoot off guns and foreworks to settle down and then we sleep. Exciting, eh?
  22. I'm doing well... just got done clearing out my pantry... loaded the dishwasher and about ready for a snooze... hard work!
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