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Everything posted by Frannie

  1. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    I'm good, thanks for asking. How are you? So great that you are able to donate blood. I used to, am now disqualified because OF the needles and insulin I use.
  2. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Today is Friday, quilting and movie day.
  3. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Good morning. Here just in time to tell kijo have a good day!
  4. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    oh well... going to go do some stuff.. may check back later
  5. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Hi Nancy I would not make it without air.. at least you have a pool... can get good and cold and tired enough to sleep
  6. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    <--- wants to see the pics!!!!
  7. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Going to go make coffee, will be back later
  8. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Good morning! Finally woke up early enough and I still missed Gill. Have been sleeping in a bit lately, all the way till 7:30 or so. OF course I'be been staying up until 2 so no real gain.
  9. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    oh well... gonna go get some stuff done... maybe catch you later
  10. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    Good morning! AM sitting outside, it's a beautiful non humid day - finally. Last few days were just terrible and I could barely go outside. Sitting on my deck, listening to the locusts chirp and screch - goes along with the jungle theme in PS lol Hope to see some of you as the day goes along
  11. Frannie

    Drop In and Say Hi 2

    It's because we love you Gill!
  12. It's after midnight where Gill lives..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! !
  13. checking in.. have peeked many times throughout the day, figured I should leave a note at least
  14. good morning.... i see not much hope once again, of connecting with anyone. I'll check back in a bit
  15. it seems the ice cream thing is a hat
  16. oh well.. going to go get some visits done.. will check back later
  17. oo cute new things in free stuff.. wonder if that ice cream is edible
  18. anyone around? I see I've missed Kijo and Bee
  19. checking in... went to bed so early last night and of course woke up before the birds today. It's ok though, lots to do today to get back on track
  20. Good morning, or afternoon,as the case may be. Have had a wonderful time and my trip ends today. Tanya's home is lovely and the "wild life" abounds! ( wheeee). My very best friend drove up from Orlando on Monday and we were able to get in a lot of chatting. Tanya had to come in and tell us to go to sleep. LOL. Miss you all & will catch up from home.
  21. I'm here Sharon if you are. They are shopping,I'm outside. I just don't do well in stores.
  22. Hi Marie, yes, having a great time!
  23. Hmm I see a post from kijo. We are in different parts of the house and not aware each other were awake lol. Come talk to me outside!
  24. @ Armell welcome back and glad your computer has fixed itself @ Gill hope you get your internet problems sorted soon. @ Bee how wonderful you've fallen in with this group of safari friends. Sounds looked fun! @ sharon hope all is well with you and yours And likewise to Marie. Mindy I just never ever catch you anymore but hope you are happy and well,
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