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Wish Fairy

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Everything posted by Wish Fairy

  1. Frannie.............how are you ? Are you back or just managed to get access to PC ? I can visualise your lovely Arizona family compound so clearly... Mimi = it happens to me too. I think sometimes when FB updates the security settings get changed and then we can't see you FB link - it so annoying !
  2. Anyone here ??????????
  3. Hey Dawn...I wish you a lovely long and sunny summer then - it sounds wonderful.
  4. Mimi - that sounds cool - Do you have an itinerary planned ? (also check your FB link - it takes me to my home page )
  5. Bee - how lovely to see you - it's been ages. I hope the move is going ok for you. I think I agree with you - travel and see as many places and cultures as I could would be amazing. Thanks for sharing
  6. Tanya - retiring early sounds good. I hope you have a lot of plans for that garden (if not come to UK and help out with mine ) Mindy - a Disney wedding - so sweet! We saw one in LA - the cinderella carriage and footmen, the whole 9 yards! It looked really wonderful
  7. OK, so it's my bed time now - so tired and lots to do tomorrow. Boogs - hope you are ok BG lovely to chat to you. Check out my new thread if you have time :-) Have a nice evening
  8. Sorry to disapoint Boogs, but it's just me and BG 8)
  9. Some of my asian friends are obsessed by fishing and i send most of my HG stuff to them so that they can fish with it and get ALL the fish collection
  10. Did y'all catch anything good ? I fish from time to time but I just get rubbish fish that I don't like
  11. Ok - let me know if you need some more bait
  12. LOL - you're right, cloning is a WHOLE other forum not only a whole other thread
  13. Well, the older fox in our neighbourhood just walked right past me in the road a few weeks ago - it's rare but it happens. I'm totally with you on the pigeon front - they give me the creeps - rodents with wings (again, the dog HATES them)
  14. Urban foxes are very very Bold indeed....some come out in the day time and just stroll past you in the road around here like they own the place
  15. I too love bunnies (and all animals actually) The foxes in the Uk are so bold these days. Our new house is in a really quiet spot with only 2 neighbours and lots of fields etc. But in my old house we would get urban foxes feasting on pizza that they "foraged" from peoples bins OH and I joke that the foxes come to annoy the dog because we don't eat junk food and they are not happy that there is never any pizza or hamburger in the bin for them to steal
  16. Smorkle - I do know what you mean about the volunteer thing. Would be cool to win the lottery and do something valuable for someone for free The cloning thing, yea - now that I can 100% relate to. I have 2 dogs and they are both aging. My older dog is 16..and soon..... I can't bear to think of it actually. So I totally would clone them both if I could.
  17. Awwwww..............it's a sad story - I was thinking that it might be a funny one We have a resident family of foxes (the dog HATES foxes as you may well know) - last night he woke me up at 3am barking the house down. I went to the hall window to find the security light on and the dog and fox in a mexican stand-off - eyeball to eyeball so to speak with only the window between them It's funny now, but I was not that amused to be woken up so early
  18. Thanks BG....by the way...I kept meaning to ask but where does the Bunny Girl thing come from ??
  19. Thanks Tweet ...............too funny ! As my first poster you can have a PS wishlist gift. Any 10 cc item of your choice 8) 8)
  20. Ha BG funny that your BF likes cous cous, cos Gill and I were just saying that both our OH's HATE it and we wondered if it was a "boy" thing. So, I opened my new thread .....
  21. Hi Everyone, I've been chatting and making new friends in PS for a while now. I met some great people so far and we share details of our everyday lives (triumphs and frustrations alike), but, I've been wondering about the people that I've met here and what they're real life ambitions, hopes and dreams are.... So, I'm a self employed business consultant today but my childhood dream was to be a writer. Today I wish that I could leave my day to day life and become am International Aid volunteer, but other responsibilities have kind of overtaken me. Also, if I had money, I would open a book shop with a small deli attached, so people could snack on good munchies while they read their new book Of course, don't feel obliged to share more than you feel comfortable with but I'd love to hear about your real life wishes and dreams.
  22. Oopps I missed this as I was too busy with my own post. I had chilli and lemon chicken with roast veg and cous cous (I did not, just for the record, have Craig David)
  23. So....I've been thinking.....(always dangerous) we all have been chatting together for So long and it's great that I met a lot of really nice people but, it does occur to me that while we share a lot of day to day stuff with each other, I don't know very much about people - you know, what some of them do on a day to day basis and even what they would love to do in their lives. I was thinking to start a thread asking people to share their dreams and hopes and ambitions for the future ...I'd really love to know what people's "real life wish list" is ....what do you think ?
  24. It was definitely the food that improved my humour - nothing else good happened today the Blinking dining room still isn't finished and I have a mountain of work arrived just this evening
  25. OK am back and in a much more good humour now that I've eaten. Awww poor old Dennis....my Pip is suffering a little also (has a really bad limp) ..........
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