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Everything posted by Marlies

  1. Hello, just stopping by. Hope everyone is okay
  2. My brother's new girlfriend is here. Got to go. See you later
  3. It's in "Rumba", no idea where that is! I'll send you an invitation on fb right now! I've never tried tequila either, not much into alcohol, but I do want to try it!
  4. I don't think it will go hungry on sundays, it'll survive!
  5. Oh, pick a Monday! I've got class from 8.30 until 17.30 on Wednesday.. There's "Tequila Temptation" on Monday, in 2 weeks time, if you're into tequila.. It's only 1 euro per shot! And I'll let you know if I go to Alma again
  6. Ieuw, I hate people with a dikke nek (lol). Thank god you've got a good excuse to go home. When are you going out in Leuven?!
  7. I have a kitty and a puppy! But I don't play pet society much, so all I have to do is feed them once a day, lol. They both look cute though.
  8. Yes! I saw them! I was sitting on the bus and all of a sudden I saw this camera crew and I was like "oooooi, that's Trinny and Susannah!" Hahaha, that was funny. If it's a party with your best friend, then it can't be that bad eh!
  9. Hahah coooool! I'm going as VIP to Humo's Pop Poll de Luxe. Free parking space + invited to go to the afterparty with all the famous people, whoohoo! Don't think Gaga will be coming. Her concert tickets were 70-95 euro. Lokerse Feesten isn't that expensive at all..
  10. Hahaha, yes, that would be awesome! Who knows I'll be there on my own for 6 months, I'll probably need a hug or some good advice, and we all know Gill is great at giving advice! Hm, I didn't like Valentine's Day. It's okay for a lazy sunday afternoon, if you don't know what to do, but if I were you, I'd just watch it on tv, if it comes out. Have fun at that party
  11. True, you wouldn't be human anymore! Do you have free entrance to the festival, the days you don't have to work?
  12. No, because I'm studying English and French, I can go to France or some English speaking country, but I don't want to go to France! Good luck with your job then! It would have been a very bad idea of they kept boycotting it. They'd lose a lot of money. I'm going to watch it on Saturday!
  13. Oh it's voluntary work, but mostly it's really busy you cannot take breaks (only when you have to go to the toilet) I've worked at Afro Latino, I know what you're going through! It's almost impossible to take breaks.
  14. Thanks! I'm really looking forward to it Top 4 = Ireland, UK, Canada, US. But I don't really care, as long as it isn't France, haha! Hahaha, if they all come the same day, it'll be pretty heavy! Are you going to watch Alice in Wonderland?
  15. that's so cool! I'm jealous!! I'm going this summer to Malaysia, to meet a girl I met here on this forum (the old ps forum). We'll be travelling too, it's only for a week, but still.. yeay! I'm so excited Only 5 people who study English can go to one of those countries, so I'll be extremely happy with whatever country I "get". Oh, Lokserse feesten, niiiiiiiice! Who's coming this year?
  16. Hello mindyjoy! I've been stuck inside with school work too today. Blah!
  17. Cool! Are you gonna stay at 1 place or are you gonna travel? I might be going on Erasmus to The States, or to The UK or Canada. Can't wait!! Are you working at Pukkelpop or..? You're right, there's absolutely nothing on TV right now. Boohoo! Thank god for Prime!
  18. Hahaha, that's true! But she's got an amazing voice!
  19. I'm trying to save money too. Got 3 holidays planned for in the summer, so I really need the money actually, especially because I'll be without a job in July School is extremely busy lately, I've worked 6 hours today. Other than that, nothing much.. How are you? I'm watching "die welle" right now. Do you know it?
  20. Not really, it's been almost a year now since we split up, but she still wants me back, so it's complicated and weird I know, I hope there will be a second concert, but I still got to find someone who wants to come with me!
  21. good day marlies. im doing ok how are you? Hi Piglet! I'm okay, watching a movie right now.
  22. Good you're feeling better! I'm doing okay, got a lot of new pills, I hope they work Lady Gaga is awesome. I really wanted to see her. Too bad..
  23. No, no one wanted to come with me. Too expensive But my ex-gf has got one ticket left. I can go with her if I want to, but that's weird...
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