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Everything posted by Marlies

  1. how are you guys? Yes you did Zoonie! Haha!
  2. Ooh ok, if someone sees her, can you say I said hi? I have to go now, dinner. Talk to you later
  3. for Boogie! for Zoonie! for everyone!
  4. Woahw congrats Sophie! That's really good!! Erm, actually, really bad.. Oh well.. I'll ask a friend to go to Alma on Monday! Can never go on Thursday and Friday. Whoaaa might see you again!
  5. Results were... errr.. not good. Yours? I'll try to come to alma again! Which days are you there?
  6. Going to the doctor tomorrow to get more information about the injections. Then they'll probably try it next weekend. A nurse will have to come over every week or every so often. Really don't like the idea GIll! Gahhh!! *tackle hug* How are you?
  7. Hi Frannie! Sorry, no toaster Erasmus is some sort of student exchange thing. For example, our school can send 4 kids to a school in the UK, then the UK can send 4 kids to our school.
  8. Sophie!! I've been paying attention in Leuven, in case I might bump into you I'm ok.. How are you? Frannie!!
  9. I don't really know. I'm missing something important in my blood, which makes me always tired. I've been taking pills for it for a couple of years now, but it was never effective. Apparently my body doesn't "accept" the pills, so now they're going to try with injections and hope it gets better. Blah! Studies are going okay. Got today a lot of information about going on Erasmus in two years time. Maybe I'll spend a while year (or 6 months) in the UK. Yeay!
  10. Ohhh what were you two gossiping about? I'm okay, nothing much. Very tired lately. Had to go to the doctor for some blood tests, turns out it need injections. Scary! How are you? Gah, it's been ages!
  11. Oh and sweet dreams to you too Toulouse. Talk to you later
  12. You HAVE to go on a Thursday night. Otherwise it's not that fun!
  13. Hahaha didn't know that yet! Cool! Not a big football fan myself though Well, I hope your team wins tonight!
  14. I have no idea what's going on on Thursday. But we just all agreed that we're going to celebrate big time Seven Oaks is so much fun. Let me know when you're going, I might bump into you!
  15. Auwtchie! Take care of your hand! Didn't know you were into football? Nice! :victory:
  16. Mmmm, Bicky, my fav! Do they have good burgers there? I've never had a good burger in Leuven. Maybe I should try 't Zeeltje! Nothing specific. Think we're going to the Downtown Jack first to play some pool and poker. Nothing wild tomorrow - that's for Thursday!
  17. Sounds good! Oh, I've found a very good place to eat in Leuven, at the Oude Markt. I've forgot the name of the place, but they've got the best bruschettas ever!
  18. Ooh good! Have you celebrated the end of your exams? My last one was yesterday afternoon too. I'm finally home after 6 weeks, but I'm going back tomorrow to party! :dance4:
  19. heyy!! whoa, it's been ages since I've been here. Sorry :Oops: How are you? How are your daughters?
  20. MARLIES!!! TOULOUSE!! How are you? Finished all your exams?
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