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Everything posted by Marlies

  1. Wahhhhhhhh got to go already. Sorry guys. Hugs to everyone! And I'll keep my fingers crossed Toulouse!
  2. Ohh hon, so sorry to hear that *hug* When are your exams this week? I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. My first exam is Wednesday. Blah! Hi Wish!
  3. What happened? If you want to talk about it, you know where to find me I'm okay.. Very tired even though I sleep enough and eat healthy. Not really looking forward to the exams. But it's all over in 15 days (:
  4. Ohh Hi Toulouse and Gill! How are you guys? xx
  5. That's really great. Bet you're really proud! Anyway, I've got to start studying now. Have a nice evening/day all!
  6. Helloooo! Happy birthday to your OH! For some weird reason, I can't multi quote here?!
  7. I've been to Nice a couple of years ago and I really liked it. Am definitely gonna go back some time, but now it wasn't on the list with cheap flights What's so expensive in London? The food, hotels, train,...?
  8. My plan is to visit as many "big" cities as possible, and now we've found out about couch surfing, it's a lot easier to make that happen. So Dublin is still on the list! In September, we're going to backpack through Portugal and crash at other people's couch. I'm so excited! I didn't know that about your daughter! Didn't she have a different job a couple of weeks ago? Anyway, congrats! So awesome that she's meeting famous people. Does she like the job?
  9. Yes really awful! Our plans got cancelled 2 weeks ago because it was so expensive to find last-minute tickets. But now I'm gonna couch surf with a friend in Marseille in January. First, we wanted to go to Dublin, but I think Marseille is better in January because of the weather, isn't it? Really looking forward to it though!
  10. Poor them! Yeah same problem in Belgium. There are no planes today and the Eurostar isn't working either. I was supposed to go to London for Christmas shopping. Good thing my plans got cancelled in time, otherwise I'd be so disappointed!
  11. [quote="Zoonie"] Of course eh! Can never stay away too long! :victory:
  12. let me know if you need help navigating around the site. and let me know what is confusing so i can tell mr. mayor. he is always glad to hear feedback on how to make things better! Ok thanks! At first, I didn't know how to get to this thread, but I found it now
  13. Helloooo! Is this the right thread? Or should I look for everyone somewhere else? So complicated!
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