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Everything posted by Paige<3

  1. going to go to bed now xx talk to you tomorrow hopefully
  2. had red rooster , do you have it over where you live? yeh im still continuing doing one visit every 2 minutes lol
  3. omg .. im so sorry for you !!!!!!!! wow that would have been tough , if that was me i would have cried too best of wishes to you xxx i hope you do well in your music theory comp and your violin comp
  4. Hello Sophie !! nothing much really went to eat dinner and came back and did a few visits thats about it ... u??
  5. The best caption! You've won 1500 IS coins! PM sent yay thanks Laz
  6. awww i want one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. hehe , i can just imagine pictures saying put me there kijo , no there , no there!!!!!! hehe only thing weird that i talk to is either myself or some sort of plant im trying to grow lol
  8. hehe .... okay i admit i only have about 1 drink of water each day...
  9. hehe , yeh when saint patricks day comes around im going to try and make a siggy already have a picture in my head of kind of what its going to look like , all i know is that im definetly have a potof gold and a rainbow in there lol
  10. hehe thanks kijo i just love the siggy and avatar you made for Gill they look very cool xx going to be changing my signature very soon lol but probably only till next week
  11. had one earlier in the day around 2pmish , its 7:12 pm here now but it passed about an hour later so its all good
  12. hehe thats what i thought yeh im making it for tweet(Milena) hehe okay i promise ill play next week xx *well i hope!*
  13. thanks did this one with the pink sorrt of showing behind.. but didnt know what it would look like on the blue , if it looked bad or it was too thin...
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