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Everything posted by Paige<3

  1. Hi Paige!! How ae you?? Hello Tanya Im gud missed everyone and when i heard about this forum i was excited and finally joined yesterday
  2. Paige - How on earth are you ? I just accepted your FR this morning sorry all i wondered off OMG!!! yes finally i have some time with holidays and all and im glad to be here in this new forum which seems way friendlier then the other forum :dancing: :dancing: :snowwink: (omg saw you had to go will hopefully talk to ya soon
  3. how many posts do we have to have to MAKE a competion?? sorry if sounds silly i just want to know
  4. Hello anybody here ?? :dancing:
  5. ooh its hard ummmmmmmmm im gonna say lady gaga
  6. lol purple my 2nd fave good choice of colours
  7. 2008 items were definitely better
  8. aww congratulations on your new cat!!!! and may your oldest cat rest in peace
  9. R.I.P Brittany! xox you will always be remembered
  10. Paige<3

    stage fright...

    im feeling you alot of people say im a good singer aswell and when our school took part in a singing competition i had to sing a solo!!!!! i was so scared as i dont know how im going to sound sometimes like what if my voice goes all croky if i havent drinken enough water or i sing to soft that it sounds bad! Now, Im not going to tell you to picture the audience naked or something!! seriously this does not work i've tried!! finding solutions for problems is different for every single person! 1. if your in front of a crowd i would suggest to see if theres any1 u hate in the crowd (someone that has hurt you or said bad things about you or thinks he/she is the best) that sometimes helps because sometimes you just want to show them that your a better singer , this doesn't help with friendship but hey! she/he will never know you were thinking about them when you were singing! ( if you forget the words on stage keep singing after 5 minutes the crowd would have totally forgotten ) 2. if your in front of friends and family ( practicing) i would suggest getting friends/family to start singing WITH YOU! tell them to stop when you say a certain word and you continue singing by yourself!! i hope these help at all lol whenever i have to do solos i picture this girl who picks on everyone all the time ( try not to think of sad things though because that can stuff up your voice whilst singing ) oh and one last thing , i recommend not eating directly before you sing just drink water ) Chocolate<3
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