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Everything posted by Paige<3

  1. hello Paige how are you doing ?? yeh good thanks u??
  2. i think this is right this time.. thats if u want to use it ..until kijo makes it awesome
  3. im great thanks Kijo most time i have had on my hands for ages
  4. here u go tanya its transparent now GOOD WORK KIJO!!!!!!
  5. Hi Tanya! yes i did thankyou =] wish i had more but cant haha
  6. oops sorry gonna go now gonna go get some sleep been up for almost 24hrs !! lol
  7. lol made another this one looks freaky O.o tehehe
  8. Thanks Tanya!! i adore yours x
  9. Hi Kim, Nice to meet you to although i think we have met before briefly
  10. okay haha got stuck but this is my end result :O comes out blurry due to i had to upload it in tinypic first
  11. i want to add a border x it just seems not to be letting me .select.shrink it comes up grey
  12. and this is what it looks like after i drag it onto the sig
  13. this is what my layer bit looks like is anything wrong?
  14. sorry back for a bit got stuck trying to figure out something on gimp X(
  15. Hello hello Chocolate hehe hello armell
  16. on internet explorer at the right side thankyou just needed to know if it was necessary to use i.e in this cheat as i.e always makes my computer slow and non- responding XD
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