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About sky1155

  • Birthday 03/12/1987
  1. sky1155

    Kat's STORE

    Shell Wall Décor – 2 999 each X2 cancan dress +cancan headdress + cancan shoes X 3 how much them?? : )
  2. Strawberry Biscuit Shelf X2 Pink Simple Clock X2 Pink Kitchen Scale X2 Baby`s Laundry Decor X2 Luminous Brooklyn Bridge Window X2 Big Ben View Window X2 How much?? ^^
  3. Cancan Dress (set) X2 4999 ok? Pet Party Banner X2 2*999 Baby Chick Toy..1*999 11*999 ok? And I want buy... Pet Birthday Cake 2*999 13*999 ok? ^^
  4. Baby Toy Decor - 1*999..................X3 Red Checker Untensil Set -1*999.....X2 Red Checker Dining Table - 2*999..X2 total is 9*999 ^^ please add me with a note " 9*999 "
  5. sky1155

    selling 3 rooms

    I want to buy... Playfish 2009 Holiday 1*999 please add me with "Playfish 2009 Holiday 1*999 "
  6. HI I want to buy... Halloween Tree Seed - 1x999 *10.... 10*999 right? please add me with a note "Halloween Tree Seed10*999" thank you : )
  7. please add me....with a note " Holiday Gift 2*999 " I want 3.....= 6*999
  8. hi... I want to buy..... Mummy Head Bandage + Mummy Torso Bandage + Mummy Leg Bandage - 2*999 Scary Mask - 2*999 X2 Red Checker Untensil Set -1*999 X2 Pet High Uniform Jacket + Pet High Uniform Trousers - 2*999 Pet High Uniform Dress + Pet High Uniform Shoes - 2*999 total is 12*999... please add me with a note "4+3sets=12*999" thanks!!! ^____^
  9. hi~ My momo's level 34 ^^~ I'm buy ... Pink Kitchen Scale X2 Red Kitchen Scale X2
  10. hi~Iwant to buy... Pink Kitchen Scale X2 =2X999 Red Kitchen Scale X2 =4X999 I want to pay 4999X1 We are already friend ^^ Can you give me a FB letter? "Red&pink Kitchen Scale X2=4999" http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?ref=name&id=100000356875881
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