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Everything posted by Falcor

  1. ok.. 76 cc's for 38x4999 we're already friends is facebook
  2. another trade done... rep added
  3. everything recieved and payment sent.. adding rep
  4. 1x4999 + 2x999 what do you say?
  5. this was my bigger sell thanks a lot... added rep thanks to you now i can trade all my 4999's for a lot of stuff yuppiii!!!!!!!!
  6. by the way u were offering the deluxe feather half mask.... i didnt know how much to pay.... how about 4x4999?
  7. hi! tropic hat is already sold sorry i will edit my first post. clothes are selling in set. all my set is worth 2x4999. dracula bed is 1x4999 and bat doll is 4x999 ok.. but i want the tropic clock not the hat.... so it is bali dancer set 2x4999 dracula bed 1x4999 bat doll 4x999 (can i make that 1x4999?) and adding the Pilgrim Doublet set 2x4999) total 6x4999 not considering the tropick clock
  8. i just saw the price guide.. sorry i didn't know that thread existed lol.... i can give you 4x4999 for the half mask... what do you say. is it fair enough?
  9. hi chay.. i want to buy Bali Dancer Dress Tropic Clock Dracula Bed bat doll 2 questions: do you sell the clothes as a set or do you only have the one printed on the image? and how much for the fox plushie?
  10. Falcor

    goldii store

    i want the merpet statue.. how much do you want for it?
  11. i'll buy it... but since you're a jus arrived member and have 1 reputation really you should send first
  12. thank you.. everything recieved.. rep added see you soon
  13. after some little technical problems with facebook... payment recieved anda valentine tub sent.. adding rep now.. thank you
  14. payment sent with a note... you can send the item whenever you have the time.. thanks
  15. FB received ^^ I'd like to buy the others because I'll buy 4 mysterious from Chay. Do u still have CC? I want many CCs. How many CC do u have? Please let me know ^^ I will buy all of CCs that u want to sell for me Thanks a lot I will tell things that I want after u tell me How many CC do u have ^^ i have as many as you need, it's easier if you tell me want you want, how many do you need and how much do you offer. i'm a constant cc's seller
  16. my rate is 2cc for 1x4999.. tell me how many do you need... we're already friends in facebook, im angel
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