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Village Mayor-petsociety

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About Village Mayor-petsociety

  • Birthday 11/27/1986

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  1. At about 4pm today (BST) so thats 3pm (GMT) (As shown in the PSFC Clock)
  2. Yea, the site will still be fun, quirky and still be bright and colourful (the buttons etc... you see now are staying it will just be re-arranged very very slight so its easier for newer members to come in and get involved and hopefully not get scared away) But PSFC will always be PSFC!!!
  3. Hey everyone, this is an advance warning of some maintenence here at PSFC today. This is to implement new features you have requested, during this time PSFC will be closed, the whole update is planned to take around 3/4 hours to complete. I have been working on this huge update since November so hopefully you will all like it. The new update includes a brand new forum skin which is very similar to the style of Playfish (thus to make it easyer for members from there to come and join us with ease) it is also a skin that most other larger games company forums use. We are also adding a highly requested "Post Count" feature to show the number of each post. There are also updates but i wont spoil the suprise. We are expecting the site to close at around 4pm and we aim to have it completed by 7pm/8pm Thanks in advance for your support, and see you on the other side!
  4. Thanks for all your cash in requests, ill get these dealt with shortly, info on the new PSFC Cash will be posted on May 1st It's very exciting!
  5. We are experiencing a slight error at the moment at PSFC, to avoid members getting lost please can everyone shout that you can access PSFC via: www.petsociety.forumotion.com www.petsocietyfan.com the www.pet-society.co.uk address is experiencing a problem at present. thanks everyone!
  6. Hey everyone, It's time to update your bookmarks for PSFC, from TOMORROW we will have a brand new web address. Now for the time being don't worry you can still get to PSFC through petsociety.forumotion.com and petsocietyfan.com and will do so for around another month, from tomorrow our brand new official address will be www.petsociety.forumotion.com so don't forget from tomorrow its petsociety.forumotion.com!!!
  7. Just wanted to quickly post and remind you all about one of our sister sites. MayorMail is a fantastic service giving you your very own @mayormail.com email address, comes complete with a large inbox, savebox, notification when your emails are opened and read by the person you sent them too, antivirus scanner to ensure all your emails are safe and your computer is kept virus free. So get to www.mayormail.com now and get yours! Don't forget to tell all your friends!
  8. Trading Issues - Hacked Items Pet Society Yes, sadly we have to report that its been rumored that another batch of items in Pet Society have now been hacked and therefore the trading values of these items has now dropped. The items rumored to have been hacked are: Black Cyclops Couch Age Disguise Love Heart Shades Red Heart Cushion Funny Nose Disguise Astronaut Helmet afro wig bunches wig Bunny Wreath Grandiose grandfather clock Wonderland Floor Wonderland Rabbit Wonderland Shelf Wonderland Rose Decor Wonderland Sign Wonderland Lake Wonderland Tunic Wonderland Wallpaper Merpet Statue mermaid wigs, ugly sock monkey dragon doll rudolf Uluru Rock Golden Royal Chandelier (Blue) Royal Chandelier We will hopefully have full confirmation of this information shortly, but until then we advise you do not trade these items however you are still free to trade this items if you wish to at this time. Please keep checking back for the latest. THESE ITEMS HAVE NOW BEEN CONFIRMED AS BEING HACKE...SO PLEASE TAKE CARE WHEN TRADING - LEA75
  9. Due to the changes at PSFC and becoming more cross game featured we have decided to end the Paw Pounds scheme we run at PSFC to make way for a better scheme that will feature for all games not just Pet Society. I have Paw Pounds...what happens now? You have until 30th April to claim you Paw Pounds. If you do not claim your Paw Pounds they will be moved over to the new scheme due to start in May, it is upto you which you decide to do. The new system will be called "PSFC Cash" and will be saved up as you do now by posting, however other features of the site will be included as "Bonus Payments" such as good deeds, refering members, donating, becoming VIP member and many more. Prizes will also vary from month to month..these are yet to be decided. So if you wish to cash in your paw pounds please just let me know in this thread and i will do so, if you want to carry them over to the new scheme then do nothing
  10. OK, in keeping with the new font that lea has used for the badges we've decided to go all willy wonka on the site (like the new logo and bars) in keeping with this we need your help guys! ever heard of a scrumdiddlyumptious bar... its a wicked name, a name that sounds fun and exciting and is unusual. Thats the idea, we need your help to rename our forums like the "Cafe" "Competitions and Giveaways" but we want fun names that you think Mr wonka would be proud of. Now the names gotta have a refrenece to the forum in question so we cant call the cafe "Wollybertishus" as everyone would be like "huh..what...who...wheres that?" so the name must beable to distinguish each forum "Chittychatty Lounge" would be a good suggestion for the cafe as it has a reference to the area in question...so lets get them thinking caps on and start thinking and creating!
  11. we're doing some random testing of new themes lol, making the site more fun and exciting
  12. lol, gotta give you all a little fright once in a while lol
  13. President Steve Fan Community Pretty Shiny Flashing Cube It means whatever you want it to mean.
  14. Yes thats right sorry guys but Pet Society Fan Community is no more, its gone forever But no worries, because we're now offically called PSFC, your same favourite site just a new name that really shows that we are more than just pet society and its a cool fun place where friends can get together. so what do you think of the new logo, let us know and anything more comments you have, you'll notice changes over the next 2 weeks as myself and lea modify the site slightly.
  15. yea would be brilliant if you could post them here
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