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Everything posted by tt15shermy

  1. Lots of great rooms here!!! And here is my ice cream room decoration
  2. Congrat to your daughter!!! That's really fantastic
  3. Hello Lisa~ Please also send me a note when adding Then I'll know ~ thank you ^^
  4. Dear Angel, I'm here again to wish for a Yellow Lemon Wallpaper please~ It is also what I decire to have to decorate my room Thank you so much!!!!!!
  5. All entries are great!! And I would like to share you my room
  6. Dear Angel, I'm here again. And I wish to have the Orange Wallpaper please. Since it can make my decoration colorful, thank you so much
  7. To Marie: F/R accepted, items sent Sorry for your waiting~~for the time zone in my country it's GMT+8 so now it's AM 9:00 in the morning ~ Before that I'm still sleeping ^^"
  8. To Patrick and Clair: Don't worry, I got a lot of sets to trade F/R received, reloading PS now~ All sent, please check
  9. All sent and receive, thanks for the trade, add you rep now
  10. Down: F/R received, reloading PS now Chay: Send me a F/R please
  11. Got them all!! Thanks for the trading Add rep for you too~^^
  12. Ha ha ha~~it's ok F/R accepted, items sent~~please check
  13. I'm so sorry to hear you have lost your pet Yes, the avatar I use is exactly my beloved cat. He is a boy ^^ I'm so happy that to know someone who love cats too!! Hope you can find your pet as soon as possible!! I'll pray for you everyday!!
  14. Thank you so much!! My cat Meow is really a handsome boy. All haman beings fall in love with him And please send a F/R to me please
  15. F/R accepted, reloading PS. And sorry for the late reply. I've just go out and com back now
  16. Yes, it is Fox Plushie in PS. My friend just give the picture to the maker to make a doll like this
  17. Dear angel, it's so sad to hear you leaving. And you won't believe this, it's your leaving to bring me here, and know this wonderful place. I love here, and will come here everyday In fact, I'm looking for Pink Window Canopy I always love to decorate new design, so I collect as much building items as I could, so that I can make my creative decoration well. And that is really nice of you to serve people even if you are going to leave. Really appreciate for your helping. You are angels to everyone. Thank you so much!!
  18. F/R accepted, reloading PS now~thanks for your coming Items sent ~ please check
  19. ^O^ It's really funny to play the clay!! Hope you guys can all try hand-made things~~it's really funny ^^ And I believe your daughter would love it too
  20. Hello guys, I am selling removed GMB items : Love Heart Candle + Love Heart Lava Lamp = 3*999 Yes! That'true, one set for 3*999!!! Each person can only buy one set for my wish is to help those poor pet who doesn't get these things yet. And because I am so new to this forum, and wanted to collect my reputations I'll send first So you don't have to worry that I might be a scammer~~~ Thanks for your entering !!!!
  21. Thank you PSFC!!!!!!!!!! That's really a great job all you guys have done~~ I'm so touch by your hard work of making this video ... I love it so much!!!! Thank you so much !!!!!
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