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Everything posted by pumpkins

  1. BTW Send to Melody pls Pet name Cupid Lv 65 Thank you Dear
  2. 27 is good enough, sweets. no worries Thank you for your help hun ^ ^ all 27*5999 sent
  3. Hi kivie I would like to buy 11cc for tomorrow LE Luminous Halloween Front Door for my sis ^ ^
  4. Wah I just see you run out of cc If don't have any left it's oK ^ ^
  5. Hi Kivie ^ ^ Do you still have 20 cc left my sister she want Town forest lucky hat can you help
  6. Hi again Kivie Just to inform that my payment sent Have a good dream
  7. Dear kivie I would like to buy forest lucky hat 20cc and fireworks machine 8cc for 50*5999s
  8. no need for so much, i'll give you 5 for 5X 3333 Thank you dear ^ ^ F/r sent as toommeng tungmae
  9. Dear Kivie You have a good hand I've got complete 5 kind of uniform without duplicate ^ ^ Thank you very very much Ha ha so happy ^ ^
  10. Dear Kivie I would like to buy 20 cc for 32*6666 I want 4+1 japanese uniform boxes
  11. I want to buy 4 Luminous Halloween Night Window for 12*3333 pls
  12. Hello pumpkins.... Sure...that sounds perfect...when do you want to trade? I will sent you right away ^ ^ sounds good...and before i go to bed, i will send u the wings, ok... Ok Dear ^ ^ I'm already sent 25*5999
  13. Hello pumpkins.... Sure...that sounds perfect...when do you want to trade? I will sent you right away ^ ^
  14. Dear Kivie I would like to buy ladybug wings for 25*5999
  15. Thank you dear I'm so much loving this outfit and rep +1
  16. ok...that would be fine...wow...2am...yikes... if there is a problem with PS not allowing me to send more than one of the bundles, i will let you know send me a FR That 's ok dear Kivie F/r send accept pls ^ ^
  17. I would rather send 40*5999 for you now then tomorrow you send me the japanese princess bundle cause our time quite different . My time in 2am almost sleep now hehe ^ ^
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