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Posts posted by ayathon

  1. well, the conference was not that long, it was from 8am to 1pm, but after the conference I am like a student doing some homework, and right now my boss ask me to read a book again by SETH GODIN (marketing book) and he says I needed to make a presentation on what did I learn... well, being in a special training is so hard.. I can't believed it why other employee is so envy..


  2. how is everyone doing? well, I am here at a great place, nice view, lovely beach with some awesome breeze in the wind AND it is my first time here.. YET, I can't enjoy.. I can't believed it!! my boss took me and one of his secretary to this wonderful place just to attend the 4 days conference about PPC-SEO Marketing Conference... And he didn't even tell it to me!!! arrrgg, it is such a pain to be in a wonderful place yet you can't even have time to relax... oh well, my boss promised me that after the conference WE will have 2 days break to enjoy.. tee hee.. can't waitformore...

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