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Posts posted by sinclair

  1. I wonder if chrome is a suitable color now. The engine bits, which are also in chrome don't stand out any longer. I forgot to mention that the internal chrome engine part (which is plastic) is also spotty, and I would probably need to re-spray it.

    So, should I :

    a. Change the color of the car body and maintain the chrome internal plastic part? or

    b. Maintain the chrome color body and re-spray the engine part to black or any other color?

  2. Sorry, but no pictures of taking off the paint and the spraying. I chose chrome as the color.

    Did not put any primer, just 2 coats of paint. But I think I was not generous enough on the paint. And there was some dirt bits stuck to the paint. Will need to sand out those dirt bits and give another coat plus followed by a clear coat probably for a better shine and protection of the chrome.

    Same for the rims, not enough paint I think.

    Anyway, just put the car back together again to see how it would look.

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