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Posts posted by netmatrix

  1. The police video is fake. Seriously fake. Spot the problem.

    - Usually traffic police won't ronda in housing area. Not even pass by.
    - Traffix police would not don the green night visibility vest regularly but only when there is operasi.
    - The police uniform does not have silver buttons.
    - When your camera is on, the phone cannot make calls and vice versa. Unless its multimedia calls whin in turn require the other party to be a reciever.
    - Policeman tone is way to soft. Usually when someone wanna commit a crime, they would turn their voice louder to brave themselves. Its normal human behaviour.
    - Just slightly after the driver depart, the camera would move. Not to mention the camera moved when they were talking. Also the camera's filed of vision is always on the surroundings. I mean when you handle the telephone, you sure the camera is at street level?

    Fake la.

  2. Subliminal teaching/ programming existed very long ago. I first encountered this from education tapes.

    What they do not reveal entirely is human physiology. They never told you why they include baby crying sounds. And its not just any baby crying sounds. It has to be baby crying because baby is hungry. The sound for humans would say milk for baby. Which in turn.... you know la. So the guy embedded the sound under a weird track while preserving what the brain reacts to.

    Actually the designers does not know that this can used as a weapon too.

    But the biggest thing would probably help people with disabilities. If he does it, you heard it here first.

  3. Aiyah!!!, then i would have problems inserting multiple images, because the first page to insert pictures is way to small. And i cannot move the pictures easily as to "EDIT" pages which has larger input area.

    And also the biggest con is, once you say something bad intentionally or not, you cannot re-edit. So means worse than ISA. Worse than MACC, and worse than heel lawyers included. I wonder how that could be mis-use when a person cannot get a chance to correct themselves?

    I for one like to post a lot of crap at first try and then re-edit it, minus a little crap. That makes good writers and a job called proof reading. If there isn't a function like that, then it will make my job very easy to post singular phrases which can mean either way. Which means nothing diffrent to SMS derived langauges!

    What gives?!

  4. Wahhh... last time berlambak this at shops few years ago. People dun want. Like i said, in those few years a very large influx of collectors have emerged. So nowdays, u have to be diligent to visit places to get cars. Which is stupid as it has turned this hobby into a stressful one.

  5. Quote :
    so u r expecting only about 50-100 pcs?
    wat do u think members response will be to a 'not so interesting' model is selected?

    I dunno i take into account the last hwc giveaway which is 50 pieces. An increment 50% seems logical. Whats more its not "our" money but of ROAK kind of thing right? Unless we have to enter some form of contest to get one, now that would be different already.

    Or if you wanna impress the lot, there is always Ferrai 5 packs which are tons everywhere. You could hit more than 100 cars easily. I'm sure if you can talk to the marketing or sales guys for bulk amount of ferrari 5 packs cars to be "HWC'ized" at very special rates.

    If you use blimp or dragtors, doesn't matter too. You could use those "rod" cars in combinations like straight pipe, deuce roadster or Ford Vicky or something, which you could hit more than 100 cars combined.

    I dunno man, just making an educated guess.

  6. Quote :

    <BLOCKQUOTE> netmatrix wrote:The car must be easy to get especially. If HWC is going to give out limited pieces. So that means it has to be those shelf warmers. I saw a dractic drop of Dragtors everywhere. I think it that.

    hmmm... i see u have given a lot of thought to ur guess hmm

    now onli question..
    cud it really be dragtors? hmm

    its like asking 'is shumacher really the stig?' thumbsup

    I don't know. My answers are probably due to me thinking logically. There is this variable that is not complete. Are you going to give out a lot? Like 50-100 pieces? Other than that, i would think it could be the other cars like Ford Vicky or something similar that are abundant and easily available.

  7. Quote :
    Eh, chill guys.. too off topic edi, nanti we spam again bout the spawnie. Sorry thread starter for hijacking this thread lol.

    ..and btw just a quick note, netmatrix it's sold packed with random issue of spawn comic together, don't think this spawn mobile is comic con exclusive, used to be available in online spawn store as well. And to be very honest this car ain't worth anything u may want to check 'em over in ebay, only mine is slightly more precious due to autograph thingy.

    The worth is the prints on the car body. hahaha. The autographed one did show up in comic con last time. When i was collecting comics, these repacked comics did not show in Malaysia. So its rare to me i guess. Yeah saw in Ebay the prices are dirt cheap. So who wanna borong and take them in?

  8. This one i think its the comic con one. I remember they are only offered during that time. I still think thats the coolest drag car there is. Btw i have that drag car chromium card. hahahaha. I also have a Spawn pencil drawing drawn by Jae Lee! I also have a near complete Spawn comics. hahaha. Ok i am a little Spawn nut. But that was my comics collecting times la. Wait ah i find and post it here. hehehe.

  9. Some crazy fun with photo software. hahaha. I think Ground FX is pretty cool as it is inspired from those cars that do high speed runs in the salt flats in USA.

    Bought repeat cars that i want to open up and play. hahaha. A 69 Ford Torino Taladega & Ford 65 Mustang fastback. I wanna do something with these cars. But its not those advertisment things again unfortunately. Wink

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