HERE I COME!!!!........ Afetr finishing...without car As A showroom...with car Is This Michael Schumacher's garage? my favourite part....the service station/workshop 2nd type workshop What i done/use... 90% cardboards-A4 paper box divide into 4 partsput something in the middle n stick it..those vlack colour stand oso cardboards den use water colour painted it black Art Paper(on everything white u've seen PVC Black Tape on evrything black u seen....the clack n white tiles used the longest period of time to do Wallpapers-printed the ferrari logo n ferrari words,ferrari racers stickers,n top gear malaysia magazine cool wall magnet Tire Pump-use a new eraser cut into half,den uuse wire as a real wire Tires took from some shell ferraris that i din use did i left out anything??anything??ask mee...