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Posts posted by Raymond

  1. Yao wrote:
    saw a black Gallardo vrooming pass a traffic light-infested t-junction while I was at ikea for display cabinet scouting & (of course) swedish meat balls... but didn't react fast to snap it...
    but the V10's orchestra was pure orgasmic to the ears...

    sure using some fancy sentence to describe it....but a picture speaks a 1000 words

  2. Anyway these are my 1/1 HW car hunting..lol


    awesome finds man..........

  3. netmatrix wrote:
    I would love to see a dialog like this.

    Dude 1 - Hey! I got a birth day present for ya! Its in the garage.

    Dude 2 - Oh really thanks!

    *both go to garage and see*

    Dude 2 - Wow! A Hot Wheels logo made out of hot wheels cars!!

    Dude 1 - Hope you like it. Don't worry it doesn't cost me a lot.

    Dude 2 - Yeah i was wondering where you got those cars?

    Dude 1 - Well i was cleaning up the store and found a few boxes of these hot wheels cars that was gathering dust. Well i thought why not make them useful? And i made you this!

    Dude 2 - You what!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! *faints* All those Thunts..... Those FEs..... those Zamacs......

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