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Posts posted by Raymond

  1. Fadli85 wrote:
    I think he meant that "number" became an object already, once he convert it to "outline". So with that outline, he can select the "Text" type tool and write on that outline, in a shape of a number.. That "number" I presume would be very big, like bigger than 72 points font size so that he can type on the outline.

    Can you print screen your "little red box" for us to see? Thanks Raymond.


  2. ericmaxman wrote:
    Raymond wrote:
    saya ada tapi tak boleh jual....

    budak kecil kecil, tolong diam sikit boleh tak?

    people asking for help, you keh poh come here for what? parents no teach you manners is it? shame on your parents.

    wtf dont you dare to talk about me....you la got x manners talk about others peoples parents .....
    your parents did not teach you well...macam bapak ko punya forum ko ni marah....
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