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Posts posted by Atomkinder

  1. Sebab mat bear selalu beli Treasure Hunt$,
    bawak lori dari putrajaya sampai ke pekan,

    Selepas balik shiok sendiri dalam bilik,
    Jiran-jiran di luar terasa pelik,

    Kenapa berjam-jam tak jumpa,
    Di bilik dia 'main' sendiri atau sudah gila?

  2. Tengok dia suka tembak orang,
    dia punya sopan sangat kurang,
    Tak tau kah kita tak suka,
    muka tebal babi buta,

    Satu hari lu jatuh ke longkang,
    selalu jahat siapa mau bagi tangan?
    haish... dia mesti tak masuk akal,
    kena "banned" pun lagi cari pasal.

    Sangat pandai main belakang,
    Senyuman palsu selalu dipasang,
    Kau orang sedar siapa kan?
    Tak tau aku sepak hang!

  3. Dear all HWCM members, Kawan-kawan sekalian...

    Thank you to whoever that voted for me.
    I honestly do not expect this and I don't know if I can do it.
    I will just have to prepare as much as I can & do my best.

    I am aware that within 6 months time, there will be a committee evaluations
    to see if I did my part.
    I hope then, whatever I did would be satisfactory to all members.
    Most importantly to myself. Langit ada mata mah...


    P.S. ...ofcourseI feel abit scare also la, there's a alot of AK47 out there, look what happened to UCB....


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