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Posts posted by Atomkinder

  1. Rayz-HWC wrote:
    Fuel prices went up over the years - yet it didn't STOP you from driving and make use of public transport? scratch how'd you manage?

    If you wanna compare which more important - then stop buying toys. Period.
    So cost of toilet paper one day goes up - watcha gonna do?

    It stopped me from driving for two years. I used public transport which was cheaper.
    I swear to you I did.
    Come on man, have you even been in a LRT lately?
    There's SO many people taking public transport BECAUSE of fuel hike.

    And I had already stopped collecting Hot Toys, McFarlane...etc because it is too expensive.
    Hot Wheels is the last toy collection for me. And even then I stopped collecting from 2006 - 2008.
    You, Ibrahim & sinclair should know because I stopped coming to McD remember?

    I've done all this before and surely can do it again.
    If toilet paper goes up, then don't shiet lor.

  2. If you're at San Diego...

    Hot Wheels®️ Back to the Future™️ Time Machine ($35)
    We’re pretty sure Doc Brown himself would approve of this exclusive from the classic
    Back to the Future flick. We can show you the box, but not what's inside. We don't dare.

    Hot Wheels®️ Franken Berry™️ ($20)
    This Franken Berry™️ cereal box with a Hot Wheels car inside will take you right back to being 7 years-old and watching Saturday morning cartoons. What car is inside? It’s the popular Dairy Delivery vehicle, of course, because you need some milk to go with your cereal! Shake the box and hear that awesome cereal sound coming from inside.

  3. No way. They will finger point it's someone else fault.
    Sometimes I feel so stupid for supporting Hot Wheels, they milked me and want more.

    It's not even a case of, "don't like, don't buy lor" Now it's like "want to buy but cannot afford already"

    Hot Wheels toy cars has become a silver spoon brat.

  4. Please bear with me, and I know it's long... But I really had say this...

    The inevitable has happened. In some places in Malaysia, the price of a Hot Wheels card
    is being priced at RM7.50 per card. That is an incredible hike of 60 cent from RM6.90.
    Where in the USA, the rise from 99cent to usd$1 was such a huge fuss from USA Hot Wheels collectors,
    imagine how would they feel if the hike is over 60 cents.


    I know for fact that Mattel Worldwide is not doing good in financially.
    Mattel is in trouble. The giant toy company Mattel is going through one of its worst crises.
    Year after year the company has been having poor numbers performance. Reasons for poor performance are not lacking: the high price of metal and oil (raw material of plastic), high freight and a great pressure for better working conditions of employees in Asia (and consequent increase in labor costs).
    But the most painful blow on American consumers was no doubt the price increase across the board. Since its inception in 1968, Hot Wheels is proud to keep the price below the baseline of $ 1, prem this year that barrier was broken, and now the models are found in stores for $ 1.09 to $ 1.11. You may find that the increase was just and that there was not much commercial impact, but this increase of 10% had an immediate effect in the stores, and now the rapidly emptying shelves that are always crowded with products, with tenants taking more and more to put new models on sale. Who first bought 10 cars, nine now purchase the same price, and we're talking about a public living one of the worst recessions the U.S. has ever passed.

    Perhaps because of the big huge fuss created in US is even greater, it's lesser painful for Mattel to increased the international market.
    It's easier. Hence, here we are going at RM7.50.

    Have your say. Say what you feel.
    To think of it, I save more money on not buying toys. The obvious right?
    I don't have to go crazy spending silly money on petrol and toll for chasing new cases at 7E?
    With RM7.50 saved everyday I can cut my car petrol usage by half.
    Now why didn't Mattel think of that?

    My Cars For Sell!

  5. Be Thick-skinned

    If it's true that someone drilled a screw into your tire, means it's a cowardly act.
    Nobody can get ripped off you.
    Let them do what they want to do, so what if they burst your tires?
    You can afford it. Being afraid or stressed out is EXACTLY what cowards want.
    They want you to pay, they want you to be scared.
    SO WHAT? Pay it!
    Don't be scared or be stressed out for unworthy reasons.

    The people that are trying to make the world worse, never takes a day off ,
    so why should you?

    It's not a day you are hurt by any cowards, no way. You are tougher than that!
    If someone scratch your car, paint it back.
    If someone steals your car, buy another.

    BUT you can't be like them, you got to have proof before you accused anyone.
    You can't based on suspicious because you can be wrong.

    Usually cowards would gives up once they realized their stupidity.
    By doing nothing and let your day be as the day before, always cures it.

  6. chee keng hong wrote:
    me ady book online for this sunday show!! Hope wont dissapointed as wat u guys did tell here!!
    Btw...is it worth to watch this TF3 in 3D??? Last time the "green hornet" in 3D really suck!!
    Hope this one gonna worth the pay!! Rolling Eyes

    You will enjoy the 3D better, just enjoy the action & effects.
    Close your mind on the story. It's.... teruk la

  7. hassan wrote:
    just came back from 11.00a.m show. .. just when you thought it couldnt get any worse than part2 ..well it did... go for the visuals only la... story wise... acting ... all sampah... what i dont understand is the need for war between the two factions ..theres like a billion decepticons and no more than 10 autobots.. WTH... its like watching a pathetic and unfunny love story with some robots thrown in for who knows why... someone should reboot this franchise and give it a proper treatment it deserve... 3 movies combine yet still unable to match what the cartoon version gave me... no thumbs for this... just my two middle fingers ...

    Yes... finally someone else saw this..

    That's the thing about the story I just don't get it, why fight?

  8. 12.15am till 3am... damn, that's a long movie.

    I just saw the 3D premiere. I have mixed feelings, I love the action & the effects but the story is... errr weird.

    (1) Barricade is back

    (2) I think Megatron new body is damn cool.

    (3) I missed Megan Fox.

    (4) You'll be surprised who the villain is. Shockwave is nothing.

    ..and I still preferred the 1st Transformers.
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