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Posts posted by Atomkinder

  1. The thing is, have you ever heard anyone going to honeymoon in CHINA?
    Places of Honeymooners are usually like Gold Coast, Maldives, Bali, European islands or even local favourites Langkawi, Tanjung Aru, Pangkor Laut... etc...

    BUT I never heard of honeymooners going to China for honeymoon la wei, even CHINESE people don't even go to China for honeymoon. China is a tourist place for family sight seeing, yes. Which Tour agent wants to promote China as a place for honeymooners?
    Is like promoting Taman Negara as a place of shopping, totally unrelated, right?

    That's just show what kind of taste the person have.
    Honeymoon is huge thing for a married couple, it's a celebration of being together.
    If you really want to spent honeymoon, you just 'tekan' abit more, go somewhere better.
    Even some local place are good enough but places that is for newly married couples. ofcourse.
    Regardless the trip is being paid for or free, I have a better taste for my honeymoon
    and I'm sure my future wife will to.
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