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Everything posted by IJANxMYHC

  1. 70k with a mivec 2.0 engine would be a good buy. but if using campro, better stick with old wira with a gsr engine... just my 2 cent...
  2. sinclair : wouldnt mind also to have all of these even if need to torn my pocket as well...hehehe... sahama : not from amcorp...it is from all over KL... rgsukan & danielh : seems like evo green is a most wanted stuff...sure u guys will get it sooner... more pictures of loose haul to come later...
  3. dah angkat...tp xmau post.hahaha...yg dropstar skyline tu aku dah angkat lama dah.masa tu borong kaw2 so dpt mur mur gak.evo oren mesti ko xde lg kn...hahaha...evo putih ada mau?
  4. skyline yg ko angkat tu semua aku dah ada carded punye...tp ada 2-3 skyline mesti ko xde kn...hahaha....aku nak cr skyline super street warna merah je skang ni...
  5. Updated with new loose haul... Love these 2 beauty as well... Cheers...
  6. thanks for the comment guys...that thunt i got it in 1 shot at 1 place...
  7. from Parkson KLCC is it?saw couple of this there last saturday but the price...ermmmmmm...hehehe...
  8. Meet seller on last sunday....nice,frenly & recommended seller...hopefully can deal with u again in the future...
  9. there are still many 7E that not being raided yet...hopefully u'll get it...
  10. Haha..i got the evo x also from 4 different 7-E...nway, thanx again bro...

    Gran Touring

    mana gmbr super punya?

    Gran Touring

    pirate punye bonsehaker ada mau?hehehe....nak enzo sm tu sok dtg amek kat umah aku...mclaren td ada seketul je...
  13. Just swap the wheel to make it look like KMart Exclusive... That's the way to do it. Love it with the goodyears. Actually i couldnt find other wheels in my collection that can fit with BS.Luckily the good year wheel can fit in...
  14. Just swap the wheel to make it look like KMart Exclusive...
  15. Sinclair & smadli : Thanx bro... 1 new pic added...
  16. CKH : Thanx bro... RGsukan : Forget to mention,that truck was from Jada.Just want to match it with the dodge since it have the same tampo...
  17. Enjoy the pics & feel free to comment... Dodge Challanger SRT8 (VW Truck not HW) Bone Shaker with Good Year Tyre Sorry for the low quality pic... More pic to come... Cheers... LAST WEEK HAUL... Manage to score these too...
  18. hi everybody...kinda newbie in customizing HWs.wanna ask what type of paint remover is best to use for HWs?there are a lot in the market but can i know what is the best or what is the common paint remover that u guys r using.. thanx & cheers...
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