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Everything posted by fendy

  1. fendy

    fendy garage....

    Yg belum masuk angin lg..!!
  2. Welcome to the game. Take some time to read the first post on how to 'play' the game. tengah korek2.. ternampak 1...!!
  3. abang tu ade banyak.. but i got one..!!
  4. fendy

    fendy garage....

    asam pedas dh tuka jadi asam keping.. hehe.. sorie long time no post.. baru 2 bulan posting KL... hehe..
  5. fendy

    fendy garage....

    hai to all membersz..!!
  6. ehem2.. abg.. abg.. nk tolak tak satu baja bettle.. huhu...
  7. fendy

    fendy garage....

    not my business.. but my work ... bro.. nak special.. mari melaka... ahak2..! champion punye.. i bagi..!!!
  8. fendy

    fendy garage....

    abg pon tukang gigi jugak ke..?! @ abg ni doktor gigi..?!
  9. fendy

    fendy garage....

    thanks bro.. for ur adviced.. my father ask me to do soo... tp i kat maleke.. my collection kat s'ngor (kampung)
  10. fendy

    fendy garage....

    jnglaa puji mcm tu ... malu sy...
  11. fendy

    fendy garage....

    im not collecting denture.. but that all my practice shadule.. when im in dental collage... hehe...
  12. fendy

    fendy garage....

    wa cabot gigi mcm cabot taya ...bro..!!
  13. fendy

    fendy garage....

    trima kasih abg M.Nasir sukan... hehe.. nant 2011... !!!!!!!
  14. fendy

    fendy garage....

    I do, infact I have plenty of it. Last week bought 3 animated transformer on sales at RM30.00 each at C4. sorie for a long wait.... this my collection of transformers...
  15. fendy

    fendy garage....

    1st costum golf GTi & R34 GTR
  16. fendy

    fendy garage....

    season finale 2010 GTR
  17. fendy

    fendy garage....

    new updated** almari baru ku...!!!!!
  18. HOw come? me dunno la.. me jalan2 and stuble upon this at flea market/pasar malam.. You likey, me also likey but gonna give those from someone soon... ".. itulah manenye tuah badan..."
  19. Both this thunt looks green and nice. Yet to get one mana dapat itu "..Super.." ..? jelous rasanya hati ini melihatnyer...
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