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Everything posted by fendy

  1. garisan langit biru yg garang..!
  2. huuuwaaa....! banyaknyer group dier..! rajinnyer dier..! ade yg baru share lg ye..!
  3. fendy

    fendy garage....

    ade... tp blum update lg.. dan lately jarang online..
  4. fendy

    fendy garage....

    ha'ah... ye laa tu bro sahama...
  5. fendy

    fendy garage....

    ha'ah... ye laa tu bro sahama...
  6. huuwaa...! baru gerun dgn GTX.. Baja plak dh kluar..!
  7. whooowaaaa..! many2.. kereta kelawar..! nice bro..!
  8. fendy

    fendy garage....

    abang sahama minat transformers jugk ke..?! hehe..!
  9. nice GTX..! mcm nk cari satu je utk ku..! ahak2..!
  10. Congrate, thats not much to rabak [/quote] i thinks he means plus this houlin ... become rabak..! memang rabak pon..! ahak2..! today.. tambah pulak.. camero T-Hunt..! speacial oder from Uptown Shah Alam..! congrat.. my spupu..!
  11. abg kairi... kasi jual satu t-hunt.. bole..? ahak2..!
  12. simple make it batter..! congrat..!!!
  13. setting baik2 bro... v-tech turbo..! ahak2..! nice costum..!
  14. jangan biarkan kenderaan anda sebegini... contohi saya
  15. fendy

    fendy garage....

    here come my new GTR... new 2010....
  16. fendy

    fendy garage....

    yang dalam bakul tu.. not for dump.. but nak renuvated rumah.. that why letak dalam bakul.. untuk sementara waktu.. the pic just for fun only...
  17. fendy

    fendy garage....

    Thanks for the comment & support.. nant ade gambar baru.. i upload lg k..
  18. i found this real size volkswagen scirocco at tropicana damansara.. but the pic abit blur.. coz im using my fon camera
  19. fendy

    fendy garage....

    Hai to all the bro... i'm newbie for this club.. i wanna shared with you all some of my collections.. Spoiler: Spoiler: Spoiler: Spoiler: thank you for viewing...!!!
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