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Posts posted by rajaazlanshah363

  1. zephyr wrote:

    wow.. must be an expensive trade then.. coz the price for this car in ebay is sooooooo expensive...
    what a wonderful trade... congrats...

    sometimes it can be expensive but dun be surprise if u can get it at a very god trade..that is what helping friends r for.. friends don't look at money when he sincere t help u..Smile

  2. zephyr wrote:

    ohh wow.. your so good... you got 2 of next year so-called super..
    congrats.. what other cars that come with this wave? care to some some insight?

    hahaha..soryy la bro..have no idea because i got this by trade..if want to score, mmg miracle la..hahahaha

  3. matbear82 wrote:
    kiwi lagi best... lagi best dari myvi... thumbsupthumbsupthumbsup sib baik dlm poket ader simpan HW... nasib baik jugak ader org bwk hw carded dijual utk aku bwk yuran.... Razz

    itu kene ckp thanx to abg rodzie lah..,mane mau dapat carded murah gila..3 for rm10 tuu..promo c4 n 7E pon xcmtu..i will be racing next week insyaallah

  4. the challenge just been raised..so..i will try to accept the challenge..the thing is, i guarantee the scalpers will prepare a list of pictures of the $upers for their insider to look for..hopefully the insider is stupid enough to miss the $upers..n to the scalpers yang sudah jolok duit sama dia punya insider..i just can say..'TRAIN UR INSIDERS WELL CZ THE HUNT IS JUST GETTING HARDER..(puihhh sama scalpers!).. ideapigVery Happy

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