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Posts posted by rajaazlanshah363

  1. Things like this will make senior collectors decided to stop collecting because i believe that some of them will be to make a split decision: life commitment or hobby. About new collectors' side, they will think that why do they have to waste their money for a 3 inch toy car as the money can be used for something else that more important. lets do a simple mathematics then to prove my point.

    On average, a collector will buy 10 hw carded per month.

    1 hw carded= rm7.50

    1 month: 10 carded x rm7.50= rm75

    12 months x rm75= rm900!

    Rm900 per year may not sound much to some of us but to others, its a lot of money considering the economy at this time where all stuffs are damn expensive.

    My opinion might not be heard by them but Mattel should be considerate to all young and old collectors that have been buying their product for all this years before doing a drastic decision like this. I'm not surprised if 30% of Malaysian collector will start to sell their own collection and stop collecting for good..
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