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Everything posted by Zedd_68

  1. Van d nan strikes back!!!
  2. Cheers Officer 8, Adiz Thinking whether to go get the mcdonald douglas american airlines, lufthansa boeing, earlier vrsion of alaska airline,...sigh, all like 90km apart from each other Oh, and a nice pirate tampo on one of mbx unlicensed plane..cant recall the name...
  3. Giant...hope vandenan post his...much better
  4. Hahahaha... Naik pening aku jackdy...hahahaha.. Google translate...robot pun boleh tangkap majal...hahahaha...sakit perut bro... Ringkasan: Diecast ciplak? Memang ada. Hot wheels ke matchbox etc? Tak lah dia panggil nama tu...tapi barang one-to-one ciplak. Tampo tukar, so nak kena saman, payah sebab Akta Hakcipta agak lemah sikit dinegara kita dan rantau ni. Apasal market loose jadi target? Senang dan murah...tak perlu nak buat cardboard dia blister dia etc etc. market pulak hangat...harga 'murah' berbanding carded...wave blum kuar, kita dahd dapat. Pendek kata, situasi yng cukup memberangsangkan pencilok pencilok masukkan dan/atau campur campurkan brng ori dengan ciplak.. ------------------- part yang overrun tu jackdy? Ok, ringkasan keatas ringkasan Pengeluaran 'terlebih'....perkara biasa dalam hal hal manufacturing. Satu sebab...lari cukai eksais daa... Satu lagi sebab? Boleh offer barang terlebih buat tu dengan harga diskon (sebab takde cukai daa..) QC reject buat-buat? Hmmm... Cari makan daa yang ini perlu: dalam orang, tengah orang, market yang hangat sama gak mcm ciplak tu...loose senang move Ok Bro? Ada sikit paham? TQ sudi gak ko baca
  5. http://www.diecastaudio.com/2011/04/28/diecast-stories-can-you-smell-a-hot-wheels/ Great article...slant views on this topic of authenticity..
  6. http://factsanddetails.com/china.php?itemid=356=9=61 http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2001/05/14/mail-call.html http://www.recovertoy.com/index.php?name=FAQ&id_cat=14 http://m.timesnewsweekly.com/node/44354 http://www.adnas.com/company-blog/toys-aren%E2%80%99t-us-fake-%E2%80%98angry-birds%E2%80%99-and-disney-merchandise-nabbed-nyc SOME ARTICLES old and new to ponder...
  7. Good one officer, you nabbed two! These are examples of replicas or inspired-by...memang openly done and with little fear of repercussions...partly due to the weakness of our IP laws...but it is improving Masalah paling ditakuti is wholesale counterfeit..not hiding behind fancy similar sounding names/brands or logos. These are 1:1 counterfeit. You think i am just mouthing off? Google an archive of the Times article...oh about 5-6 years back on counterfeits. They even make a 1:1 counterfeits of a hot selling yamaha road bike... ...that was 5 - 6 years ago on a much larger scale stuff. Not a challenge for them to create a very 'authentic-looking' fakes of a 1:64 stuff...especially without having to bother with packaging, blister, etc. and they got the market for it...the 'who-got-it-first' segment of collectables, which is growing and growing and growing...
  8. DAD + DAUGHTER collection Sharkcruiser is the focus. Other "beast-related" will follow (now she has croc rod + vampyra) to be added...wait until there are sales...know where to find lotso and stretch waiting to add the haribo bus... waiting to add "advertisement" lorry... one cube from tomica, the rest mbx "superlift" f-150...the pickup used to be the basis of Monster Jam trucks ...they are 'based' on ford f-150 svt raptor missing a few...from 5, 9, 10-packs (so probably no hope of adding..wait next year if there's any new single variance) found one more single..but that's probably it for now ...think missing the yellow premiere, and wheel variant on the 2011 white version ...try to catch up... ...dunno if I am missing anything of this range...anyone? ...lots not here...especially from multi-packs ...ditto... ...ditto... ...ditto... missing one...from multi-pack? lots not here... ...ditto... need one hauler, regardless of scale Overview... ...Other side... We Thank You for lookin'
  9. Yup, various scale, but m'sia normally only two..one is the 'mini' monster jam, the other is the one I am currently adding to my collection;) there are others; 1:43 rev tredz (motorized), 1:24 (motorized too I think), but not common here...these are already more towards 'kids playing in the sandbox'
  10. Added mix wts (2012 - Aug - 13)
  11. Found this today (2012 - Aug - 13). Box a bit shot (can't complain, after almost a decade being banged about on the pegs I guess), but don't care...it's a CORGI. And it is SPACE history man.. "One small step..." and all that Out of the box (for this photo...now back in it) PROBABLY NOT as SOUGHT AFTER as the UP-AND-COMING from Hot Wheels, but hey...history man...cool flower power dude...
  12. As with RWR, breaking up forecourt into collection vs. wts/wtt parts This topic is where anything to do with flights, whether civilian, military, or space will be posted. Thanks for lookin' (Most of these are old, so please feel free to ignore 'em). FIGHTER PLANES (replica aka licensed) FIGHER PLANES (inspired by aka unlicensed) CHOPPER - replica (aka licensed) TRANSPORT - replica (aka licensed)
  13. Sorry folks (and Mr. Admin/Mod). Segregate the Forecourt...I have mental time sorting through stuff (most of these are repeats, so feel free to ignore 'em) TANKS/ARMORED VEHICLE TRANSPORT - LAW ENFORCEMENT/MILITARY TRANSPORT - CIVILIAN HEAVY MACHINERY/CONSTRUCTION - CIVILIAN
  14. NO Sir, and neither the above represents any views either on their behalf, or against them. I put into words experiences and observations of over a decade looking into, monitoring, and assisting brand owners tackling counterfeits, brand and revenue protection, and illegal grey imports (aka smuggling). I personally did not have the opportunity to work with 'toy makers' on these subject-matters..the trend, method, modus operandi are similar, and sources are also similar. ...err...but i a 'am' a 'mattel man' when it comes to collectables...
  15. Stuff moved to new topic and Emporium. Mod/Admin sir, Please LOCK this Thread. TQ.
  16. Officer, How goes the DV transport?
  17. "anything that can be counterfeited, will be counterfeited". The above is truer with items that are of high value (monetary or ancillary) and high movement volume. Hot Wheels (and other recognized brands) are therefore susceptible to these attacks. Are there 'counterfeit Hot Wheels' or matchboxes or maistos?? I can't say that I have come across them, probably because the activities of the last 15 years DO NOT involves anti-counterfeiting or brand protection discussion with brand owners such as Hasbro or Mattel (my ex-colleagues may have). I do know of REPLICAS (aka inspired-by) that is rampant in the area of Barbie dolls and Transformers figurines (both from different manufacturers). However, one aspect that counterfeits will look for is "ease of entry and cheaper cost" to introduce such counterfeits. In the area of collectibles, LOOSE items are the "ease-of-entry" and "cheaper-cost" route that is considered 'Heaven-sent', in any segment of counterfeit industry (yes, it IS an industry, and sometimes surpasses that of the legitimate brand owners). Why loose is considered heaven-sent? 1) There is no need to duplicate expensive packaging (and sometime brand owners deploy 'anti-counterfeit' or brand-protection marking on their packaging), so cost to market is cheaper. 2) Without packaging, certain track-and-trace can be bypassed, which is what ANY counterfeiter worth his salt would want. 3) product scrutiny will be "of less importance" due to the claims of 'slight damage during transport' or manufacturing variance etc. 4) and probably one that may be used quite frequently in small collectable markets; production overruns and/or reject with slight variation/damage. One of the deplorable activities that is happening on a DAILY BASIS in Malaysia (and some hot spots in the region) is this manipulation of production runs and QC processes, to benefit certain group or sub-groups, both inside the manufacturing and the 'dealer/channels' that exist outside of the plant. Production overruns oftimes happen to allow additional goods to be produced, without declaring excise tax on them, and therefore provide additional projected revenue on that particular run. Manipulation of QC is relatively easier for small collectibles such as hot wheels; and the aim IS TO have items 'rejected' without going through a packaging process...thus being able to gather a quantity of such 'rejects' that may potentially be made available via the channel/go-between....onto the hungry and anticipating hands of collectors who would probably want the chance to declare 'i got this first before anyone else' Whether such collectables are already attacked by 1:1 counterfeit (i.e. complete with colourful packaging), I wont want to venture; however, why would a counterfeiter or go-between wants the hassle and higher-cost of such counterfeit, when 'rejects' and loose counterfeits can easily be transported, distributed, and without knowing, collectors being duped to become the means of transport to other collectors elsewhere in the region/world. Clothing, Cigarettes, medicine, spare parts, electronics, booze, etc etc. they have all suffered from 'overruns' and counterfeits'; who's to say that collectable segment are immune to it? Willing victims, 'understood' if one were to buy dvd at the pasar malam? but buying a collectable, loose, and wanting to feel proud about it? I don't think you want to be a willing victim on this one. Mattel S.E.A. (South East Asia) may have known this becoming an issue, but what actions they are taking or will take, I guess they will look for it from the perspective of implication to their bottom-line. But if they were looking at this from a regional perspective, and the potential damage that can hit El Segundo if it's left unchecked...maybe they will be quicker in reactin' and actin'
  18. sold (as of 11-8-2012) 1. mbx batmobile 2012 x3 2. mbx london taxi 2012 x3 3. mbx landrover defender orange-red 2012 x2 4. mbx landrover defender khaki-brown 5. 1968 toyota landcruiser blue with white top 6. ford crown victoria taxi green 7. dodge magnum police 8. 2008 desert 5-pack (pecah set pun..pecah la ) thanks for the support...to those whose thinking of expanding your range of collection...now's the time
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