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Bunnyfuzzyness has an idiot for a mom....

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I know better.I am an ER nurse,I would bless a patient out for doing it.Most of my friends here know I an TEMPORARILY disabled.I hope temp anyhow. 2 days ago I couldn't sleep and did some spring cleaning and flipped mattresses.I am extreme pain and haven't been able to be online more than a couple minutes.

I am not supposed to do those things and hope I haven't done something to make matters really worse.It seemed like a good idea at the moment and pain was tolerable at the moment.

I regret it,I just miss being a regular person that can walk normal, bend over,sit in a car and ride and basically do the things a wife and mother should.

Sorry for my rant.Pain has my hands shaking ,my mind boggled and tears flowing that I can't stop.

love you all if I am MIA this is why Smile

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wow kathy ...so sorry to hear that ....but ..YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER !! always easy to say with hindsight though. Take it easy and get better soon

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Loosing your inderpendance is such a horrible thing, it can make you feel like you are not the person you used to be, even though in some ways it can make you a stronger person!

I can totally sympathise with why you tried to do all the jobs that you would once of taken for granted. Unfortunately, as you know yourself, you have to learn your limitations, and try not to over do it.

Hopefully, this is only a temp thing hun, and you will get your full mobility back soon

Huge hugs to you xxxxxxxxxxxx

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Aww kathy.
Im sorry to hear that you have so much pain right now. You really should let others help you out witht he house work, We dont want you getting any worser.

I know how you feel because i hate to sit around doing nothing but at the end of the day....If you sit down and take some time to get better then im sure you will get better much quicker.
I hope the pain goes away soon and i hope you can get back to how you used to be.
Get well soon

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awww sending loads of hugs your way hun,
Im sure will time you will feel better again Smile we are all thinking about you and send you loads of hugs congratulations xx

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NinjyStars wrote:

MY NinyStars!!!!

I love you!!! You are here in my favorite PS forum!! OMG

I am so happy,my adopted daughter, YAY!

totally made me smile to see you! congratulations

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Gai,Kasi, Lisa and Sarah

You are all amazing women and I appreciate ALL of you so much.I am so happy I came here and can call you my friends! Thanks for the support and the congratulations

I love this place!No drama,just like a family.The most giving and loving group around.Thank you ~HUGE hugs~

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bunnyfuzzyness wrote:
NinjyStars wrote:

MY NinyStars!!!!

I love you!!! You are here in my favorite PS forum!! OMG

I am so happy,my adopted daughter, YAY!

totally made me smile to see you! congratulations

hehe, I was on checking for the new items and came across this. I love you too!!

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bunnyfuzzyness I feel really sad reading this, please please please take care of yourself, you are such a nice person, nobody deserves pain why these things happen?

Only good thing I have found about pain, is that once you are rid of pain, you feel like in heaven

Jebema will go to hug bunnyfuzzyness more often expecting that her mom will be fine very soon

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