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Strong password tutoriaL

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there has been a lot of account hacking lately. the biggest reason for that are weak passwords.
now, here's a tutorial how to make your password strong.

1) choose a phrase, sentence or a word that has about 10 or more letters
for an example i'll take this:

cute small green doormat

- avoid your name, names of people who are close to you etc. - choose random words!

then misspell some words (eg. doormat - dormat, small - smol)

cute smol green dormat

[b]2) replace some letters with numbers[/b] (eg: I=1, s=2, e=3, a=4, t=7 o=0) that visually look a bit like those letters

cu73 sm0l gr33n d0rm4t

[b]3) on every few characters, add a [size=24]. or a space (or remove a space)[/size][/b]

cu.73.sm0l gr3.3n .d0.rm.4t

[b]4) add some random characters to it, and make some letters big, some small.[/b]

cU.73.sm0Ly gr3.3n d0.Rm.4tQ

and there you go - from ''cute small green doormat'' you get a much stronger password ''cU.73.sm0Ly gr3.3n d0.Rm.4tQ''

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Good advice Tweets!!! This should help alot of accounts from being hacked

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it seems really helpfull but really complecated at the same time to remember ! Ashamed


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I used 123456 as password at the begining of my online life congratulations in all my accounts
Then I had to change when I discovered that I had friends using same pass, haha
I always forget pass
There are random passwords generator too, but you have to store it in a usb, otherwise you will never be able to log in again

Thanks for the tip tweet40


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fash, it's easy! congratulations

try it.. (but write it down somewhere so you don't forget it Laughing )

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I won't remember that 0-0. my passwords include a word then numbers, like studying852

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you can just stop at step two Smile
that is a strong password too

but if you want to make it REALLY STRONG, just follow all tips Smile

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hahah good tip but a little hard to remember?
usually if you add like a exclamtion mark or random symbol and use capitals then it becomes a strong password too.
too many words is hard to remember and so are spaces so doubling words and sticking them together is a good (Y)

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