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The Drop In and Say Hi Thread

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I have very good quilt though - it's filled out with wool and it helps to regulate your body temperature - I got it over year ago and I'm still using same one - winter or summer. It's great and I'm very happy with it.

In summer it stops me from getting sweaty and in winter it helps me keep warm throughout night.

taken from the website of the company that make my quilts:

A unique natural product range proven to provide the best night’s sleep from Woolmark trials conducted under wide ranging climatic conditions all around the world. Your very own personal comfort zone created by the properties of our soft pure new wool provides a calm, relaxed and healthy sleeping environment.

Temperature regulating across the seasons – no tog rating required – Woolmark endorsed
Reduced heart rate for relaxed sleep
Naturally breathable for rapid moisture transfer
Resistant to house dustmites and bacteria
Fully washable at 40ºC and can be tumble dried

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nice!!! might have to look into that. Love my comforter, but if its hot, I get sweaty and cannot sleep at all!

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the one I have was made by company called Fogarty but I bough it in Tesco (big supermarket chain similar to your Wallmart).

I'm sure there are similar companies in US (or this one might have branch).

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I will def. keep this in mind!!! : D

now all i can think about is my bed. hahahahahahaha

Found a really cute paper craft thing online, when I get some done I will have to post pics.

Hate to say it, but kind of excited about upcoming b-day, despite the fact they are always horrible.

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Maybe this year it will be different (hoping and praying)

Would you believe that at my age (30+) I've never had bday party?

What kind of paper craft thing - like origami (spelling)?

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yeah it seems like something really awful always happens around my b-day, but I always hope every year will be different.

I have never had a b-day part either, and i will be 22 this year.

Its more like paper sculptures..... and its tooooo awesome!

cant wait to get started on it, but have a feeling gonna be tire of cutting out papr before too long.

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it's good that you are no losing hope - you still youngling Laughing plenty time for parties

paper sculptures? I'm looking forward to seeing the pic - that can be quite interesting.

When I was little I did little bit of origami but nothing too complicated - I still find it fascinating seeing pictures of some stuff people made out of folded sheet of paper but I don't think I have the patience for anything too complicated Sad

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can you beleive that is made out of paper???

well i like making pop up books, so i guess its kind of a 3-D version of that.....

and with that I must jet. ttyl!!!!!

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byeeee and sweet dreams hunnie

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Hi All ... I am in and out tonight ... getting some stuff done around the house that really needs to be done. Also, I must love on my sick kitty. I have decided that I can't let him in the main part of the house right now because Buddy, my deaf one, is so jealous and he tries to attack the hurt one ... They are both boys so that does not help ..

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Just popping in to say: today's the first of 5 exams :-)
In about an hour and a half I'll finally see the questions - hope to be less nervous then I am now...

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Morning - what a vile day it is here, heavy storms through the night and everywhere's saturated now.

Good luck BG, hope it all goes well for you honey.

Am so excited, the World Cup starts this afternoon, and there's a slim chance I finally get to sit down and watch some TV (England play tomorrow night, but guess who slipped up and invited people round for dinner)

As you might expect, the work in the house isn't going quite to plan, and I am just about going out of my mind (which might be a relief) I keep telling myself that in another two weeks it's all going to be fine - trouble is, it doesn't get any less than 2 weeks!

I'm scratching my head trying to think of some good news - ah yes, remember it was our 30th anniversary back at the end of April? Well, IMOM took my engagement and eternity rings and a couple of other rings I have, and got them cleaned, resized for me and all polished up and made beautiful. I got them back yesterday and OMG they look so lovely, like brand new and better than ever.
Am looking forward to wearing them once we get clean and tidy here (and I'm finally clean and tidy too and don't have hair that feels permanently matted with building dust!)

Love to Everyone, I think of you all quite often through my day

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Hi Kijo! I'm here for a bit, then I have to go for a walk (exercise goal) and shopping.

BG, by this time you must have finished your exam, I hope it went well! I have my fingers crossed for you.

Gill, you should post a photo of your hand withall your shiny rings. Smile

I started a diet today...

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Hey hey hey! I know I'm a stranger aroundhere but honestly I've been sooo busy. Summer is my busy life socially and work has been hectic prepring for my hols and quality audits etc.

So tomorrow I'm going away touring Spain for two weeks with my Bob and another couple on our Gold Wings....hope everhone keeps well and that the weather brightens up evrywhere.
Ciao for now xx

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Zoonie wrote:
Good luck BG, hope it all goes well for you honey.

The weather is very odd here today! It feels like there's a thunderstorm coming up and it's very very hot outside! Was waiting for the bus after my exam, in the sun off course, and I felt as if I were melting!

Cblu wrote:
BG, by this time you must have finished your exam, I hope it went well! I have my fingers crossed for you.

Thanks!! I finished an hour before you posted the message, so you made a really good estimation! We got 4 hours for this exam, I only had to use 3. I can tell you my head felt like it was going to explode! And an annoying auditorium where it took place: the tables were way too high to sit normal, you had to sit really upright (and that started to hurt after a while), the table tops were descending, which meant you couldn't just put a paper or a pen on it without it sliding towards you (so you must have seen me struggling, I think I dropped my papers for at least 5 times, but glad it wasn't my calculator - others did and that made a lot of noise)

I just took a little powernap, time for me to hit the books again as I have another exam tomorrow in the afternoon (2pm my time). Think we get 3 hours tops for that and then I'm taking the eve off! I'm really exhausted, didn't sleep well and got up really early - same thing for me tomorrow!

@ Dawn, have fun in Spain with OH and the other couple!!

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Dawn, have a nice trip!

BG, glad it went well, despite all the discomfort. Best of luck for tomorrow. Yikes, two big exams in a row...

When will you know the results?

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Cblu wrote:
BG, glad it went well, despite all the discomfort. Best of luck for tomorrow. Yikes, two big exams in a row...

When will you know the results?

Yeah, at least I have some time inbetween, was worse last semester - exam in the afternoon and day after one in the morning (really early). I'll know results somewhere beginning of July so it seems :-)

Going to revise everything once more and get up early tomorrow to do the same (probably twice)

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oh wow, no one dropped by since yesterday eve!
anyhow, 2nd exam done for today, 3 more to follow
am taking this eve off, I am exhausted (sore throat and whatnot already) so going to enjoy doing absolutely nothing... or at least noting intensive, will be making a list for my summer trip and make a tiny schedule because I need to get a lot done after exams (including a visit to the hairdresser)

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Hello, I'm around ... enjoying doing absolutely nothing today (well, I have laundry going). Going to visit grandma this evening and take her some pizza. She is still recovering from her gallbladder surgery.

I'm so happy cooking is back! And the dig feature .... meh.

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Sunday morning. just stopping by to see if anyone was around. I might have to get a life if things continue at this pace

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I'm good, thanks for asking! Is your mouth better now?

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Oh it sure is, took my last painkiller 3 days ago, it's still a bit sore, especially when I need to brush my teeth or when I eat on that side, but it's getting better!

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well good to hear then. Your vacation (and therefore my vacation) is getting close! Can't wait.. I'm sure we'll have a good time

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It sure is getting really close! I started making a list yesterday with the items I need and can't forget :-) I'm looking forward to it, but first need to focus on exams, after June 23rd I can think about it as much as I want :-)

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how many more exams do you have? I think European unis must operate differently than US...

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I still have 3 more to go now, already done 2 (yesterday and Friday)
Next one is this Tuesday, so am gonna get started in a couple of hours, first wanted to rest a bit, because I feel exhausted already

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Sorry for day. My computer keeps overheating and I had to get my phone.

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oh that's okay
am trying to get my visits done in the meantime, it's running a bit slow

need to collect some more coins, as I went a bit overboard with the new digging game
have you played that one?

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I guess I need to bring it in for servicing. Maybe i'll do that for when I'm gone

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Yes tried the digging. Spent a bit of coin, didn't get much but it was entertaining for a bit.

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I like the new items for this week. Nice and bright!

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oh yes, the wedding items? they are lovely!
not so sure yet what to think about the new ones for tomorrow, I like the clothes and I am guessing a lot will be CC

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I mean this coming week. Anyway going to have to go. Hubby is waking up and need to go to to him. Hope this place picks up activity soon. The game is more fun with it.

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yeah, it's been really slow here lately, hope it gets better soon :-)
nice talking to you and see you later!

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Good Morning from a sunny UK.

A nice new sparkly week to entertain us (or work us to a standstill)

Disappointed with England's start in the World Cup, oh dear - although we didn't see the match as we were entertaining and that went better than our Team's performance! (luckily) It was a late night though and so setting to yesterday was hard going.

At least we're even stephens with our American friends, so no falling out lol, eh Frannie?

Haven't really got too excited about the World Cup as yet though, perhaps as I have too much else on. Hope it picks up, as I don't want to have to resort to admiring the Germans and the Argentinians Laughing (who've played the best that I've seen so far)

Progress report from home. Hopefully work inside the house will be finished by tomorrow afternoon - work from other people that is. I have loads to do still, but not so pressing as it was. We now have 10 rooms sorted out; 2 nearly sorted out and the remaining ones are the sort you have to close the door and forget about for now lol - I'm giving myself a week to sort them too, and then there's the garage, the loft (attic) and oh my - the garden, to start tackling...I think I need a break before even planning those, let alone tackling them!

At least in the end it will all be worth it - all the stuff accumulated over 30 years or more, stuff that we didn't even remember we had, no longer need or want and stuff that should've gone years ago, will be gone and we'll have the cleanest, tidiest, and most beautiful home that we've ever had - cos if we don't do it now, I doubt we ever will.
Am pleased with how it's all looking so far, even if it's wearing me to a frazzle!

Boogie is off on holiday mid week, but hopes to spend more time saying Hi soon. Exams will be over for the Summer (hope it's going ok for you BG and that you're feeling much better now) and hopfully I can get time to resurrect my interest in PS, which has really slid of late.

Am going to log on to FB now, but can here a van on the drive, it must be the decorator. Will pop by later on again

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AAAAGH decorator reckons he hadn't priced for painting half of the outside - what a weird thing. Am going to retire weakly and hand over to the IMOM to sort this out - I might lose my rag with him and it wouldn't be at all pretty!

I despair, honestly!

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Will try and pop back in a couple of hours time.

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got bit busy this morning so I'm only coming in now.

I have spoken to Boogie on friday and she was doing her Barry White impression again - poor little thing just before she's off to see her mum in Spain. I hope she's much better now

@Zoonie - do you have enough skips and charity bags? Sounds like you are going to need it but yes it will be worth it once it's done congratulations

I'm not interested in World Cup (well we are not in it and football is not really my thing anyway). Oh there is also Big Brother on telly now so that's another thing I will give a miss - I don't think I will switch the box on for next few weeks Laughing

Hope you all doing well

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Aaaagh at the computer Bee?

We had one large skip; have made several visits to charity shops; bulky items either donated to a charity who collected, or we paid the Council to take away; many, many trips in the car to the local tip, and then have given things to one of the Decorators who has a large family.

All my life has been for about a month, is making piles of things, stooping down to pick them up, moving from room to room, boxing things up - taking thins out of boxes, cleaning, finding more mess, making teas, coffees and washing mugs - and real life too.

I can't believe how much stuff we still have left, by rights the house should be virtually empty by now

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